Slow life is a reckoning with the capitalist captures of uncertainty and modulations of time: historical/civilizational time, the stealing of time through the expansion of labor time, the refusal or withholding of temporal simultaneity but most significantly, the cordoning off space through time. As seen in Palestine, the stretching of time is not a by-product of surveillance; it is the point of surveillance. Uncertainty becomes a primary affective orientation, a folded-into-the-flesh condition of possibility. Unlike affective labor, time itself refers to the laboring of affect, a laboring that contributes to the capitalist profitability and expansion of the occupation writ large. It is less a stripping away of individual properties than an endless interfacing of dividual data and metrics This chapter is interested in how dividualization is both digital and of the flesh, involving series of recursive relationalities as well as a way of unseeing and reseeing corporeality.