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The book closes with a final ethnographic scene in the form of an epilogue—a brief encounter in the toilets of a Berliner nightclub—that condenses and illustrates the insights of the previous chapters. This is followed by a more explicit synthesis of the primary arguments of the book, paying special attention to how certain key concepts (touch, affect, texture, intimacy, liquidarity) weave and transform from chapter to chapter. Finally, the book closes with some reflections on the Orlando Pulse massacre of 2016, in which a lone gunman murdered forty-nine people—primarily trans, Latinx, and queer—at a gay nightclub. The online response to this tragedy produced a moment of queer public intimacy, one that was built on sharing memories of queer nightlife spaces as utopian sites of refuge and community. The aftermath of the Orlando massacre suggests how the insights of this book might apply to contexts of overt political struggle, where the “somehow” of togetherness is shaped by oppression and violence.

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