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Note: This bibliography compiles secondary as well as select primary readings relevant to the study of race and nontheatrical film. Topic-specific sources are contained in the notes within each chapter.
, Michele
, ed. New Queer Cinema: A Critical Reader
. New Brunswick, NJ
: Rutgers University Press
, 2004
, Janet L.
Race, Space, and Riots in Chicago, New York, and Los Angeles
. New York
: Oxford University Press
, 2007
, Christine
. Revolution Televised: Prime Time and the Struggle for Black Power
. Minneapolis
: University of Minnesota Press
, 2005
, Charles R.
, and Wasson
, eds. Useful Cinema
. Durham, NC
: Duke University Press
, 2011
, Geoff
. Academic Films for the Classroom: A History
. Jefferson, NC
: McFarland
, 2010
, Geoff
. Films You Saw in School: A Critical Review of 1,153 Educational Films (1958–1985) in 74 Subject Categories
. Jefferson, NC
: McFarland
, 2013
, Nancy
, and Dietrich
Michael R.
, eds. The Educated Eye: Visual Culture and Pedagogy in the Life Sciences
. Hanover, NH
: Dartmouth College Press
, 2012
, Constance
. “Sociological Film, Reform Publicity, and the Secular Spectator: Social Problems in the Transitional Era
.” Feminist Media Histories
, no. 4
): 10
, Aniko
. Equal Time: Television and the Civil Rights Movement
. Urbana
: University of Illinois Press
, 2012
, Donald
. Primetime Blues: African Americans on Network Television
. New York
: Farrar, Straus and Giroux
, 2015
, Donald
. Toms, Coons, Mulattoes, Mammies, and Bucks: An Interpretive History of Blacks in American Films
. New York
: Viking
, 1973
, Pearl
, Gaines
, and Musser
. Oscar Micheaux and His Circle: African-American Filmmaking and Race Cinema of the Silent Era
. Bloomington
: Indiana University Press
, 2001
, Marta
, Keil
, King
, Moore
, and Pelletier
, eds. Beyond the Screen: Institutions, Networks and Publics of Early Cinema
. London
: John Libbey
, 2012
, Kathryn
. “The Kwakwa ka’wakw on Film
.” In Walking a Tightrope: Aboriginal People and Their Representations
, edited by Lischke
and McNab
David T.
, 305
. Ontario
: Wilfrid Laurier University Press
, 2005
, Cara
. Envisioning Freedom: Cinema and the Building of Modern Black Life
. Cambridge, MA
: Harvard University Press
, 2014
, Susan E.
Mounting Frustration: The Art Museum in the Age of Black Power
. Durham, NC
: Duke University Press
, 2016
, Russell
. Cinema Strikes Back: Radical Filmmaking in the United States 1930–1942
. Ann Arbor, MI
: UMI Research Press
, 1982
, Stephen
. Projecting Race
: Postwar America, Civil Rights and Documentary Film. New York: Wallflower
, 2016
, Cindy I-Fen
. Citizens of Asian America: Democracy and Race during the Cold War
. New York
: New York University Press
, 2013
, Wendy Hui Kyong
. “Introduction: Race and/as Technology; or, How to Do Things to Race
.” Camera Obscura
, no. 1
): 7
, Michelle
. Home Movies and Other Necessary Fictions
. Minneapolis
: University of Minnesota Press
, 1998
, Janet K.
, and Klotman
Phyllis R.
. Struggles for Representation: African American Documentary Film and Video
. Bloomington
: Indiana University Press
, 1999
.De Genova
, Nicholas
. Race, Space, and “Illegality” in Mexican Chicago
. Durham, NC
: Duke University Press
, 2005
, Brian J.
“Visibility Matters: The Pursuit of American Belonging in the Age of Moving Images
.” PhD diss.
, Yale University
, 2015
, Mary L.
Cold War Civil Rights: Race and the Image of American Democracy
. Princeton, NJ
: Princeton University Press
, 2000
, Brad
, and Glass
, eds. Return to the Land of the Head Hunters: Edward S. Curtis, the Kwakwa ka’wakw, and the Making of Modern Cinema
. Seattle
: University of Washington Press
, 2014
, Anna
. Returning the Gaze: A Genealogy of Black Film Criticism, 1909–1949
. Durham, NC
: Duke University Press
, 2001
, Herbert E.
“USC Cinema in Perspective
.” Journal of the University Film Producers Association
, no. 2
): 9
, Peter X.
Identities in Motion: Asian American Film and Video
. Durham, NC
: Duke University Press
, 2002
, Peter X
, ed. Screening Asian Americans
. New Brunswick, NJ
: Rutgers University Press
, 2002
, Allyson Nadia
. Uplift Cinema: The Emergence of African American Film and the Possibility of Black Modernity
. Durham, NC
: Duke University Press
, 2015
, Allyson Nadia
, Horak
, and Stewart
, eds. L.A. Rebellion: Creating a New Black Cinema
. Berkeley
: University of California Press
, 2015
, Rosa Linda
. The Bronze Screen: Chicana and Chicano Film Culture
. Minneapolis
: University of Minnesota Press
, 1993
, Lester D.
, ed. Unspeakable Images: Ethnicity and the American Cinema
. Urbana
: University of Illinois Press
, 1991
, Geneva
. “Beyond Brown: Promoting Equality through Multicultural Education
.” Journal of Curriculum and Supervision
, no. 3
): 193
, Oliver
. Devices of Curiosity: Early Cinema and Popular Science
. New York
: Oxford University Press
, 2015
, Martha
, Parmar
, and Greyson
, eds. Queer Looks: Perspectives on Lesbian and Gay Film and Video
. New York
: Routledge
, 1993
, Michael Boyce
. Film Blackness: American Cinema and the Idea of Black Film
. Durham, NC
: Duke University Press
, 2016
, Marsha
, and Field
Allyson Nadia
. “The Other Side of the Tracks: Nontheatrical Film History, Pre-Rebellion Watts, and Felicia
.” Cinema Journal
, no. 2
): 1
, Noelle
. “‘This Film Is a Rebellion!’ Filmmaker, Actor, Black Journal Producer, and Political Activist William Greaves (1924–2014)
.” Black Camera
, no. 2
): 7
, Alison
. Wondrous Difference: Cinema, Anthropology, and Turn-of-the-Century Visual Culture
. New York
: Columbia University Press
, 2002
, Edward
. Framing Blackness: The African American Image in Film
. Philadelphia
: Temple University Press
, 1993
, Donald E.
, and Jagose
, eds. The Routledge Queer Studies Reader
. New York
: Routledge
, 2013
, Julia
. “Film, Space and Place: Researching a City in Film
.” New Review of Film and Television Studies
, no. 3
): 277
, DeeDee
. “Making Movies with Kids on the Lower East Side
.” In Captured: A Film/Video History of the Lower East Side
, edited by Patterson
, 1
. New York
: Seven Stories
, 2005
, Darrell Y.
, and Liu
, eds. Countervisions: Asian American Film Criticism
. Philadelphia
: Temple University Press
, 2000
, Veena
. “At Home in the Empire: Reading Colonial Home Movies—the Hyde Collection (1928–1937)
.” BioScope: South Asian Screen Studies
, no. 1
): 49
, Devorah
. Black Power TV
. Durham, NC
: Duke University Press
, 2013
, Bill
, and Quimby
. In the Land of the War Canoes: A Pioneer Cinematographer in the Pacific Northwest
. Seattle
: University of Washington Press
, 1980
, Gerald
. Fire This Time: The Watts Uprising and the 1960s
. New York
: Da Capo
, 1995
, Karen L.
Lost and Found: Reclaiming the Japanese American Incarceration
. Urbana
: University of Illinois Press
, 2006
, Karen L.
, and Zimmermann
, eds. Mining the Home Movie: Excavations in Histories and Memories
. Berkeley
: University of California Press
, 2007
, Ira
. “Visualizing Kwakwa ka’wakw Tradition: The Films of William Heick, 1951–63
.” BC Studies
, nos. 125/126
): 99
, Priya
. Cinema at the End of Empire: A Politics of Transition in Britain and India
. Durham, NC
: Duke University Press
, 2006
, Lillian
. “From the Margin to the Center: Puerto Rican Cinema in New York
.” Centro de Estudios Puertorriqueños Bulletin
, no. 8
): 28
, Martin
. Main Street Movies: The History of Local Films in the United States
. Bloomington
: Indiana University Press
, 2018
, Jacquelyn
. Celluloid Indians: Native Americans and Film
. Lincoln
: University of Nebraska Press
, 1999
, Adam
, and Musser
. “William Greaves, Documentary Film-Making, and the African-American Experience
.” Film Quarterly
, no. 3
): 13
, Gloria
. Charles and Ray Eames, 1907–1978, 1912–1988: Pioneers of Mid-century Modernism
. Los Angeles
: Taschen
, 2005
, Sonke
. Empire of Pictures: Global Media and the 1960s Remaking of American Foreign Policy
. Oxford
: Berghahn
, 2016
, Rodger
. A Guide for Film Teachers to Filmmaking by Teenagers
. New York
: Cultural Affairs Foundation
, 1968
, Rodger
, Hofer
, and Barrios
. Young Animators and Their Discoveries
. New York
: Praeger
, 1974
, Erika
. The Making of Asian America: A History
. New York
: Simon and Schuster
, 2015
, Robert
. Orientals: Asian Americans in Popular Culture
. Philadelphia
: Temple University Press
, 1999
, Russell
, ed. Moving the Image: In de pen dent Asian Pacific American Media Arts
. Los Angeles
: UCLA Asian American Studies Center
, 1991
, Tommy Lee
. “Documenting Society Issues: Black Journal, 1968–1970
.” In Struggles for Representation: African American Documentary Film and Video
, edited by Klotman
Phyllis R.
and Cutler
Janet K.
, 71
. Bloomington
: Indiana University Press
, 1999
, Lisa
. Immigrant Acts
. Durham, NC
: Duke University Press
, 1996
, Scott
. American Ethnographic Film and Personal Documentary: The Cambridge Turn
. Berkeley
: University of California Press
, 2013
, Gina
. Romance and the “Yellow Peril”: Race, Sex, and Discursive Strategies in Hollywood Fiction
. Berkeley
: University of California Press
, 1993
, Ivone
, ed. Rites of Realism: Essays on Corporeal Cinema
. Durham, NC
: Duke University Press
, 2003
, Paula J.
Black City Cinema: African American Urban Experiences in Film
. Philadelphia
: Temple University Press
, 2003
, Glen
. Ghostlife of Third Cinema
. Minneapolis
: University of Minnesota Press
, 2009
, Mariana
. “Arts as Public Policy
.” In Summer in the City: John Lindsay, New York, and the American Dream
, edited by Viteritti
Joseph P.
, 195
. Baltimore, MD
: Johns Hopkins University Press
, 2014
, Paul
. “‘Useful Cinema,’ of What Use? Assessing the Role of Motion Pictures in the Largest Public Relations Campaign of the 1920s
.” Cinema Journal
, no. 4
): 74
, Spencer
. Reel Black Talk: A Sourcebook of 50 American Filmmakers
. London
: Greenwood
, 1997
, James
. There’s No Place Like Home Video
. Minneapolis
: University of Minnesota Press
, 2002
, Rosalind
. New Worlds from Fragments: Film, Ethnography, and the Representation of Northwest Coast Cultures
. Boulder, CO
: Westview
, 1994
, Charles
. “Carl Marzani and Union Films: Making Left-Wing Documentaries during the Cold War, 1946–53
.” The Moving Image
, no. 1
): 104
, Bill
. Representing Reality: Issues and Concepts in Documentary
. Bloomington
: Indiana University Press
, 1991
, Julia
, and Pouw
. “Extended Family Films: Home Movies in the State-Sponsored Archive
.” The Moving Image
, no. 1
): 83
, Chon
. Shot in America: Television, the State, and the Rise of Chicano Cinema
. Minneapolis
: University of Minnesota Press
, 2000
, Roger
. “Reflections on the Family Home Movie as Document: A Semio-pragmatic Approach
.” In Mining the Home Movie: Excavations in Histories and Memories
, edited by Ishuzuka
Karen L.
and Zimmermann
Patricia R.
, 255
. Berkeley
: University of California Press
, 2008
, Eve
. “Screen Memories: Fakeness in Asian American Media Practice
.” In F Is for Phony: Fake Documentary and Truth’s Undoing
edited by Juhasz
and Lerner
, 196
. Minneapolis
: University of Minnesota Press
, 2006
, Jun
. Making Asian American Film and Video: History, Institutions, Movements
. New Brunswick, NJ
: Rutgers University Press
, 2015
, Amy A.
Spectacular Blackness: The Cultural Politics of the Black Power Movement and the Search for a Black Aesthetic
. Charlottesville
: University of Virginia Press
, 2010
, Randy
. “No Golden Age: Television News and the Chicano Civil Rights Movement
.” American Quarterly
, no. 4
): 897
, Devin
, Orgeron
, and Streible
, eds. Learning with the Lights Off: Educational Film in the United States
. New York
: Oxford University Press
, 2012
, Kirsten
. Cinematic Prophylaxis: Globalization and Contagion in the Discourse of World Health
. Durham, NC
: Duke University Press
, 2005
, Kirsten
. Medical Visions: Producing the Patient through Film, Television, and Imaging Technologies
. New York
: Oxford University Press
, 2013
, Jane Chi Hyun
. Yellow Future: Oriental Style in Hollywood Cinema
. Minneapolis
: University of Minnesota Press
, 2010
, Allison
. Public Interests: Media Advocacy and Struggles over U.S. Television
. New Brunswick, NJ
: Rutgers University Press
, 2016
, Jennifer
. Education in the School of Dreams: Travelogues and Early Nonfiction Film
. Durham, NC
: Duke University Press
, 2013
, Sidney
. Dark of the Screen. New York: Anthology Film Archives and
New York University Press
, 1980
, Dana
. Scenes of Instruction: The Beginnings of the U.S. Study of Film
. Berkeley
: University of California Press
, 2007
, Rick
. The Field Guide to Sponsored Films
. San Francisco
: National Film Preservation Foundation
, 2006
, Laura
, Monahan
, and Young
, eds. Amateur Filmmaking
: The Home Movie, the Archive, the Web. New York: Bloomsbury Academic
, 2014
, Touré F.
Not Alms but Opportunity: The Urban League and the Politics of Racial Uplift, 1910–1950
. Chapel Hill
: University of North Carolina Press
, 2008
, Jesse Algeron
. Black Film/White Money
. New Brunswick, NJ
: Rutgers University Press
, 1996
, Jane
. “The ‘Electronic Stimulus for a Black Revolution’: Black Journal and the 1960s Public Television
.” Black Renaissance
, no. 2
): 136
, Fatimah Tobing
. The Third Eye: Race, Cinema, and Ethnographic Spectacle
. Durham, NC
: Duke University Press
, 1996
, Catherine
. Experimental Ethnography: The Work of Film in the Age of Video
. Durham, NC
: Duke University Press
, 1999
.San Filippo
, Maria
. “What a Long, Strange Trip It’s Been: William Greaves’ Symbiopsychotaxiplasm: Take One
.” Film History
, no. 2
): 216
, Barbara Dianne
. Broadcasting Freedom: Radio, War, and the Politics of Race, 1938–1948
. Chapel Hill
: University of North Carolina Press
, 1999
, Celine Parreñas
. The Hypersexuality of Race: Performing Asian/American Women on Screen and Scene
. Durham, NC
: Duke University Press
, 2007
, Beverly R.
Wiping the War Paint Off the Lens: Native American Film and Video
. Minneapolis
: University of Minnesota Press
, 2001
, Anthony
. Before Video: A History of the Non-theatrical Film
. Westport, CT
: Greenwood
, 1992
, William
. “The Documentary Film and the Negro: The Evolution of the Integration Film
.” Journal of the Society of Cinematologists
): 66
, Heide
. “The Personal Is Political: Voice and Citizenship in Affirmative-Action Videos in the Bell System, 1970–1984
.” In Films That Work: Industrial Film and the Productivity of Media
, edited by Vonderau
and Hediger
, 259
. Amsterdam
: University of Amsterdam Press
, 2009
, Albert
. “The Itinerant Films of Arthur J. Higgins
.” The Moving Image
, no. 1
): 115
, Jacqueline Najuma
. Migrating to the Movies: Cinema and Black Urban Modernity
. Berkeley
: University of California Press
, 2005
, Dan
. “Saving, Studying, and Screening: A History of the Orphan Film Symposium
.” In Film Festival Yearbook 5: Archival Film Festivals
, edited by Marlow-Mann
, 163
. Andrews, St. UK
: St. Andrews Film Studies
, 2013
, Ellen
. Crossing Cultures through Film
. Yarmouth, ME
: Intercultural Press
, 1993
, Charles
. Amateur Cinema: The Rise of North American Moviemaking, 1923–1960
. Berkeley
: University of California Press
, 2015
, Lauren C.
“In Local Hands: Participatory Media in the 1960s
.” PhD diss.
, Yale University
, 2016
, Sasha
. Black, White, and in Color: Television and Black Civil Rights
. Princeton, NJ
: Princeton University Press
, 2003
.U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare
. Selected Films on Child Life
. Washington, DC
: Author, 1959; rev. ed. 1962, 1969
, Gerry K.
“The Red Cross Bureau of Pictures, 1917–1921: World War I, the Russian Revolution and the Sultan of Turkey’s Harem
.” Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television
, no. 1
): 47
, Patrick
, and Hediger
, eds. Films That Work: Industrial Film and the Productivity of Media
. Amsterdam
: Amsterdam University Press
, 2009
, Paul A.
“What’s Past Is Prologue
.” In Sixty Years of 16mm Film 1923–1983
, edited by the Film Council of America
, 9
. Evanston, IL
: Film Council of America
, 1954
, Greg
. “Locating Early Non-theatrical Audiences
.” In Audiences: Defining and Researching Screen Entertainment Reception
, edited by Christie
, 81
. Amsterdam
: University of Amsterdam Press
, 2012
, Haidee
. “Electric Homes! Automatic Movies! Efficient Entertainment! 16mm and Cinema’s Domestication in the 1920s
.” Cinema Journal
, no. 4
): 1
, Haidee
. Museum Movies: The Museum of Modern Art and the Birth of Art Cinema
. Berkeley
: University of California Press
, 2005
, Judith
. Hollywood Be Thy Name: African American Religion in American Film, 1929–1949
. Berkeley
: University of California Press
, 2007
, Daniel
. Black Arts West: Culture and Struggle in Postwar Los Angeles
. Durham, NC
: Duke University Press
, 2010
, Jack
. “TV and the Social Documentary
.” Film Library Quarterly
, no. 1
): 50
, Wendell
. “Hey Mister, When’s the Movies?
” Film Library Quarterly
, no. 1
): 9
, Patricia
. Reel Families: A Social History of Amateur Film
. Bloomington
: Indiana University Press
, 1995
, Jennifer
. “The Bureaucratic Activist: Federal Filmmakers and Social Change in the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Tick Eradication Campaign
.” The Moving Image
, no. 1
): 19