You Promised to Die of Hunger: Resistance, Slavery, and All-Out War
Published:November 2016
This chapter details how rebellion started in the countryside and quickly exploded all over Dominican territory. Opposition to the Spanish began almost immediately after occupation, but it became almost total combat by summer 1863. The widespread fear that reoccupation would bring reenslavement electrified the countryside. The struggle exposes rural vocabularies of race and identity; the moral economy of labor, personhood, and citizenship; and of the right to and capacity for self-rule espoused by Dominicans and their Haitian allies. The fighting exploded in towns, too, at the heart of the wealthy Cibao valley, on the northern coast, and elsewhere. Much of the territory was swept up in the fighting, as rebels traveled from town to town and through the countryside. Despite repeated Spanish demands for calm, amnesty offers, and reassurances about the abolition of slavery, the fighting only grew. Fires burned across the territory.
Archivo Nacional de Cuba (ANC)
Asuntos Políticos (AP)
Diario de la Habana
Gaceta de la Habana
El Redactor de Santiago
Biblioteca Nacional José Martí (BNJM)
Archivo General de la Nación–República Dominicana (AGN-RD)
Archivo Real de Bayaguana
Archivo Real de Higüey
Ayuntamiento de Santiago
Colección Garcia
Colección Herrera (CH)
Fondo Anexión (Anexión)
Memoria de Guerra y Marina
Relaciones Exteriores (RREE)
La Acusación
Boletín del Archivo General de la Nación (BAGN)
El Dominicano
El Eco del Pueblo
Gaceta de Santo Domingo
El Monitor
El Oasis
El Orden
El Porvenir
El Progreso
La Razón
La Regeneración
La Républica
Revista Clío, Órgano de la Academia Dominicana de la Historia (CLÍO)
El Tiempo
Some of the AGN-RD collections were being reorganized during this research period; Fondo Anexión’s legajo numbers changed from 2006 to 2008 to 2010, for example. The bulk of the numbers cited here refer to the most recent 2008 and 2010 numerations; wherever possible, changes are recorded in the corresponding citation.
Simityè Jakmèl (Cimitière de Jacmel)
La Feuille de Commerce
Le Moniteur Haïtien
L’Opinion Nationale
La République
Archivo Histórico Nacional, Madrid (AHN)
Gaceta de Madrid
Biblioteca Nacional, Madrid (BNE)
Servicio Histórico Militar, Madrid (SHM)
Archivo del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Madrid (AMAE)
Política Exterior, Haití
Política Exterior, Santo Domingo
Archivo General de Indias (AGI)
Audiencia de Santo Domingo
Papeles de Cuba (CUBA)
The National Archives, Kew (TNA)
Colonial Office (CO)
301 Turks and Caicos
Foreign Office (FO)
23 Dominican Republic
35 Haiti
National Archives (NARA)
Schomburg Library