The White Race Is Destined to Occupy This Island: Annexation and the Question of Free Labor
Published:November 2016
2016. "The White Race Is Destined to Occupy This Island: Annexation and the Question of Free Labor", We Dream Together: Dominican Independence, Haiti, and the Fight for Caribbean Freedom, Anne Eller
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This chapter details the actions of Spanish administrators on the ground in Santo Domingo, as they struggled for a way to incorporate it with its plantation neighbors and, more urgently, make it profitable. Official disdain for subsistence agriculture—and the sum of Spanish efforts to craft a more orderly populace, subject to the will of the colonial state and integrated into market economies—clashed with the will of most of the island residents. Their plans for colonization and indenture demonstrated how easily such labor control coexisted with projects of second slavery. With the United States distracted by Civil War fighting, Caribbean administrators eyed the global market for cotton and other products eagerly. In these projects, Spanish administrators had willing collaborators in the Dominican capital. All of the administrators hoped a new era of Dominican prosperity was at hand.
Archivo Nacional de Cuba (ANC)
Asuntos Políticos (AP)
Diario de la Habana
Gaceta de la Habana
El Redactor de Santiago
Biblioteca Nacional José Martí (BNJM)
Archivo General de la Nación–República Dominicana (AGN-RD)
Archivo Real de Bayaguana
Archivo Real de Higüey
Ayuntamiento de Santiago
Colección Garcia
Colección Herrera (CH)
Fondo Anexión (Anexión)
Memoria de Guerra y Marina
Relaciones Exteriores (RREE)
La Acusación
Boletín del Archivo General de la Nación (BAGN)
El Dominicano
El Eco del Pueblo
Gaceta de Santo Domingo
El Monitor
El Oasis
El Orden
El Porvenir
El Progreso
La Razón
La Regeneración
La Républica
Revista Clío, Órgano de la Academia Dominicana de la Historia (CLÍO)
El Tiempo
Some of the AGN-RD collections were being reorganized during this research period; Fondo Anexión’s legajo numbers changed from 2006 to 2008 to 2010, for example. The bulk of the numbers cited here refer to the most recent 2008 and 2010 numerations; wherever possible, changes are recorded in the corresponding citation.
Simityè Jakmèl (Cimitière de Jacmel)
La Feuille de Commerce
Le Moniteur Haïtien
L’Opinion Nationale
La République
Archivo Histórico Nacional, Madrid (AHN)
Gaceta de Madrid
Biblioteca Nacional, Madrid (BNE)
Servicio Histórico Militar, Madrid (SHM)
Archivo del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Madrid (AMAE)
Política Exterior, Haití
Política Exterior, Santo Domingo
Archivo General de Indias (AGI)
Audiencia de Santo Domingo
Papeles de Cuba (CUBA)
The National Archives, Kew (TNA)
Colonial Office (CO)
301 Turks and Caicos
Foreign Office (FO)
23 Dominican Republic
35 Haiti
National Archives (NARA)
Schomburg Library