The introduction traces the journeys that helped establish Afro-Atlantic speculation as a genre and modality that opens up possibilities for Black American social life in the post-1965 moment. Beginning with the collective mind-set that began to develop among Africans aboard ships during the Middle Passage, the chapter links cultural lore such as the Flying African myth to the early twentieth century’s Great Migration and other movements that Black Americans have undertaken throughout the nation and abroad in response to their alienation within the United States. It also thinks through the social conditions that have produced the relegation of Black Americans to second-class status at various points in history, as seen in the continued restriction of their mobility through state surveillance, domestic forms of terrorism, unequal access to public accommodations, and disfranchisement. The chapter goes on to explicate and define the key themes as well as outline the stakes of the book.
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Afro-Atlantic Flight: Speculative Returns and the Black Fantastic
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