The Introduction explores how the history of postwar Western art (e.g., film, art exhibitions, literature, paintings, jazz, material sculptures, readymades, theater, graphic art) has been constructed and written about. The collected chapters excavate a brief period of historical time and provide thick descriptions of the years 1959 and 1960 that drill down into layers of artistic activity in Western Europe and the Americas. The chapters examine what is gold and what is kitsch, what shines and what does not. By focusing on the crucial years of 1959 and 1960, they bring to light lateral and often surprising connections between divergent artistic milieus. In the exploration of cross-disciplinary topics on art produced in Western Europe (primarily France and Italy) and the Americas (primarily the United States, Brazil, and Cuba),the editors argue that the goal is to remap the cultural and geopolitical commonalities and differences that define each region and national situation.
Works Cited
Advocate of Moral Reform
El Clamor Público
Factory Girl’s Album, and Operatives’ Advocate
The Factory Girl’s Album, and Mechanics Offering
Flag of Our Union
Lowell Offering
The Lily: A Monthly Journal, Devoted to Temperance and Literature
The Una: A Paper Devoted to the Elevation of Women
Voice of Industry
American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, Massachusetts
American Textile History Museum, Lowell, Massachusetts
Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley
Center for Lowell History, University of Massachusetts at Lowell
Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.
New York Public Library
Philadelphia Library Company