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Blackness came into being with the figure of the Black slave, capitalism’s most visible symbol of the possibility of violence without limits and of vulnerability without a safety net. Without restitution, reparation, and a striving toward universal justice, the Becoming Black of the world is fast becoming reality. All of humanity, as coinheritors of the earth, must share in the responsibility to create a world of humans and nonhumans caught, not in global systems of depredation and exploitation, but in communities of mixture, exchange, reciprocity, and mutuality. Universal justice can be achieved only by restoring to the slaves of history their rightful share of humanity stolen centuries ago. The future of humanity relies on attending to the in-common and the reservoirs of life, to the Open rather than the enclosure, and to the recognition of difference as unkinning and inclusion rather than differentiation for profit, exclusion, and domination.

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