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Joseph H. Kānepuʻu wrote four serialized works of literature: “He Moolelo no Pakaa,” “He Moolelo no Kana, Ka Hanai a Uli,” and “He Moolelo no Hamanalau, Hanai a Hawea” are moʻolelo kuʻuna, taken from the oral tradition. The fourth, “He Moolelo no Kanewailani” is a fictionalized autobiography modeled on that oral tradition. In this chapter, I give short analyses of these works and the context within which they were published. I follow these with a reading of “He Moolelo no Hamanalau, Hanai a Hawea,” as an example of the riches of Hawaiian-language literature, including a synopsis of the moʻolelo and an examination of the literary devices that Kānepuʻu employs.

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