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Chapter 1 reconstructs a critical genealogy of the mobilization of women’s rights in the Netherlands, France, and Italy from 2000 to 2013. It provides a detailed account of the ways in which three right-wing nationalist parties—the Party for Freedom in the Netherlands; the National Front in France; and the Northern League in Italy—have increasingly resorted to a rhetoric of gender equality in order to advance their anti-Islam/anti-immigration political agenda. This chapter also traces the participation of several prominent feminist intellectuals and politicians, women’s organizations, and femocrats in the campaign against Islamic patriarchy and Muslim women’s “special exposure” to misogyny and gender violence. The claim in this chapter is that the constitution of a common space in which seemingly oppositional forces such as feminism and right-wing nationalism can voice concerns about gender violence as the exclusive domain of the Muslim Other stems from a shared belief in the supremacy of western values.

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