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This chapter examines aesthetics, dispossession, trauma, and decolonial love in Díaz’s fiction. It theorizes a footnote from The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao that critically reflects on Oscar’s spectacularly closeted reading of science fiction and fantasy books and the effects Oscar’s reading in the closet have on his family and friends. It argues that closeted reading challenges readers to think critically about what happens to immigrant rising kids when they read imaginative literature and, more important, what goes on in their complex inner lives. The chapter concludes by focusing on Yunior’s fulsome search for decolonial love in “The Cheater’s Guide to Love.” The chapter reads Díaz’s texts as extended exercises in dissident antihomophobic inquiry and racial hermeneutics, which have important implications for theories about the coloniality of power and gender, identity, sexuality, and their interrelation.

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