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A list of potential contacts among Indonesian writers and artists, apparently given to Wright by his host, Mochtar Lubis, in the days after his arrival in Jakarta, includes names and addresses of some of the writers Wright would come to know most intimately during his stay in Indonesia, as well as others he apparently did not meet. The most prominent of the latter names is Pramoedya Ananta Toer, whose name and address are added to the typewritten list in Mochtar’s handwriting, perhaps as an afterthought. The absence of any record of a meeting between Wright and Pramoedya, who admired Wright and with whom he had much in common, was probably due to both ideological and personal factors. At this time, Pramoedya was moving away from the Western-oriented group of writers with whom Wright was most closely associated in Indonesia, and toward whom Pramoedya harbored a number of personal animosities.

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