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In the conclusion, I consider the various calls that I have collected in previous chapters, ranging from interpellating calls like Althusser’s “hey, you there!” to other addresses such as Lauren Berlant’s “wait up!,” Woolf’s “come, come!” (from Orlando), Édouard Glissant’s “consent not to be a single being” (considered in chapter 6), and many others. These calls amount to a counterlanguage, a form of recognition that does not demand or project but invites and simply allows another being to be. I also look at a method of reading that I try to practice in the various chapters of this book, what I call a “yet more minor literature,” learning to read through the lens of misinterpellation. This is a method of reading that seeks out the unwanted characters, the people whom we’d never want to be but who populate the margins of these texts nonetheless and who offer, I argue, a radical and indeed anarchist form of power and resistance that is not generally recognized (so intent are we on obeying the strictures of interpellation under normal circumstances).

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