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Chapter 2 explores competing mythscapes in Tunisia in the immediate prerevolutionary period, during the revolution, and since by examining music, poetry, visual culture, Facebook projects, and activist campaigns on the streets. It shows how prerevolutionary cultural material anticipated and reflected the sharp class, cultural, and ideological tensions that continue in Tunisia. The mythscapes produced in these different historical moments relied on very different forms of Tunisian and transnational affiliation, historical reference points, and gendered imaginaries and projects. Intense collective anxieties about belonging and authenticity thread through the embodied experiences and metaphors used by activists and protestors. The Tunisian Revolution of 14 January 2011 inaugurated forms of Tunisian feminist activism that boldly occupy and transform a variety of spaces and differentiate themselves from alliance with the patriarchal state feminism of Bourguiba and Ben Ali and the gender complementarity logic of conservatives.

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