As Foucault demonstrates, the modern subject emerges through technologies of regulating, ordering, confining and inciting movement. Disciplinary power, bio-politics, and liberal governance more broadly concerned can thus be mapped into regimes of mobility. Drawing on insights of disability studies, feminist theory, post-colonial theory and political thought (primarily the work of J.S Mill) the introduction examines the history of ideas tying movement to freedom, alongside the contemporary production of spaces of movements or halts. The checkpoints in the occupied Palestinian territories serve as a primary example, but walls, borders, globalization, are also considered to show a split in the principle of movement: the movement of some is configured as freedom and is maximized, while the movement of others is seen as a security problem and is therefore surveilled and regulated. This chapter maps the colonial, global, classed and gendered regimes that underlie this schism, as well as the subject-positions they constitute.
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Perverse Modernities: A Series Edited by Jack Halberstam and Lisa Lowe
Movement and the Ordering of Freedom: On Liberal Governances of Mobility
Duke University Press
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