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Bibliography: Pym Criticism, 1980–1990
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. “Godolphin, Goodolphin, Goodol’phin, Goodol’Pyn, Good ol’Pym: A Question of Integration
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, 10
), 3
, James Louis
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, Ted
. “Providence and Chaos in The Narrative of Arthur ‘ Goddin’ Pym
.” Journal of Evolutionary Psychology
), 126
, James Ronald
. “The Paradoxical Structure of the Sea Quest in Dana, Poe, Cooper, Melville, London, and Hemingway
.” Ph.D. diss.
, Wayne State University
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, Lynette C.
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” Mississippi Quarterly
, 41
), 3
, Selma B.
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.” English Language Notes
, 27
), 50
, Roberto
. “Arthur Gordon Pym’s Influence on Italian Literature
.” Poe Studies Association Newsletter
, 15
), 8
, Roberto
. “La questione dell’origine in Gordon Pym di Edgar Allan Poe
.” Quaderni di Lingue e Letterature
, 13
), 29
, Evan
. The Rhetoric of American Romance: Dialectic and Identity in Emerson, Dickinson, Poe, and Hawthorne
. Baltimore
: Johns Hopkins University Press
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(pp. 137
, Curtis
. “Port Wine, Roast Mutton, and Pickled Olives: Gourmet Food in Poe’s The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym
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), 109
, Jeffrey George
. “The Peculiarity of Literature: An Allegorical Approach to Edgar Allan Poe
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, State University of New York at Buffalo
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.Di Maio
, Mariella
. “Jules Verne e il modello Poe
.” Rivista di Letterature Moderne e Comparate
, 35
), 335
, Leonard W.
. “Claustrophobia, the Gothic Enclosure and Poe
.” Clues: A Journal of Detection
, 10
), 107
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, Charles Samuel
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, University of Virginia
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, Frederick S.
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.” Extrapolation
, 21
), 21
, Frederick S.
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), 147
, Annette
. “Mensonges et vérités … pour une lecture des
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, Arnold
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, Mireille
. “Les Aventures d’Arthur Gordon Pym et Le sphinx des glaces: Une intertextualite exemplaire
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, Thomas S.
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, Koji
. “Pym’s Voyage and Poe’s Poetics (1)
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, 15
), 171
, Koji
. “Pym’s Voyage and Poe’s Poetics (2)—The Arabesque of Mirror
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, 17
), 273
, Koji
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, Andrew
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(University of the North
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), 11
), 7
, Thomas
. “‘Kaff’ und ‘Arthur Gordon Pym,’ oder: Der Abgrund des Unbewussten
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, 119
), 23
, John T.
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, John T.
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), 1
, Shoko
.“‘Dream-Voyage’ and Poe’s Sea
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. In Itoh
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, 1986
(pp. 176
, Shoko
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, 130
), 486
, Shoko
. “Poe and ‘The Rime of the Ancient Mariner.’
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(The Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Hiroshima University)
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), 204
, Sabiha Ahmed
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pp.). DAI, 47 (1987), 3757A
, J. Gerald
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. Revision of“‘The Infernal Twoness’ in Arthur Gordon Pym,” Topic 30, 16 (1976), 41–53
, J. Gerald
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. New Haven
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(pp. 145
, 221
, Shinichi
. “The Whirl and the Pendulum—On the Suspension-Motif in Poe
.” The Annual Report of Cultural Science
(The Faculty of Letters, Hokkaido University)
, 34
), 87
, Richard
. “Early Illustrations of Pym’s ‘Shrouded Human Figure.’
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, pp. 155
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, 1985
, Richard
. “The Hidden Journey of Arthur Gordon Pym
.” In Studies in the American Renaissance
, ed. Myerson
, pp. 29
. Boston
: Twayne Publishers
, 1982
. Reprinted and slightly abridged in The Poe Messenger, 15 (1985), 15–25
, Richard
. “The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym
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, vol. 3
, ed. McGill
Frank N.
, pp. 1092
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.Kopley, Richard.“‘No Tie More Strong’: Brotherhood and Beyond in The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym
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pp.). DAI, 43 (1982), 1545A
, Richard
. “Poe’s Pym-esque ‘A Tale of the Ragged Mountains.’
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, ed. Fisher
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IV, pp. 167
. Baltimore
: The Edgar Allan Poe Society of Baltimore
, 1990
, Richard
. “The Secret of Arthur Gordon Pym: The Text and the Source
.” Studies in American Fiction
, 8
), 203
, Richard
. “The ‘Very Profound Under-current’ of Arthur Gordon Pym
.” In Studies in the American Renaissance
, ed. Myerson
, pp. 143
. Charlottesville
: University Press of Virginia
, 1987
, Joseph G.
. “Edgar Allan Poe: The Error of Reading and the Reading of Error
.” In Southern Literature and Literary Theory
, ed. Humphries
, pp. 206
(esp. p. 217)
. Athens
: The University of Georgia Press
, 1990
, A. Robert
. “‘Impudent and ingenious fiction’: Poe’s The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket
.” In Edgar Allan Poe: The Design of Order
, ed. Lee
A. Robert
, pp. 112
. London
: Vision Press
, 1987
, Susan F.
and Stuart
. “Poe and Fuentes: The Reader’s Prerogatives
.” Comparative Literature
, 36
), 34
, Paul
. Comic Effects: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Humor in Literature
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: State University of New York Press
, 1989
(pp. 135
, John
. “How to Place Poe’s Arthur Gordon Pym in Science-Dominated Intellectual History, and How to Extract It Again
.” North Dakota Quarterly
, 51
), 31
, John
. “Imaginary Science: The Influence and Metamorphosis of Science in Charles Brockden Brown, Edgar Allan Poe, and Nathaniel Hawthorne
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, John
. The Place of Fiction in the Time of Science: A Disciplinary History of American Writing
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: Cambridge University Press
, 1990
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, 71, 80, 89, 91, 92, 111–20, 169, 178–79, 185, 203 n. 82
, Kent
. The Grand and the Fair: Poe’s Landscape Aesthetics and Pictorial Techniques
. Potomac, Md.
: Scripta Humanistica
, 1984
(pp. 48
, 56
, 80–82, 189
, Kent
. “‘Speculative Mythology’ and the Titan Myth in Poe’s Pym and Melville’s Pierre
.” The Sphinx
(special issue: Edgar Allan Poe)
, 4
), 250
, Patrizia
. Edgar Poe et la Modernité: Breton, Barthes, Derrida, Blanchot
. Birmingham, Ala.
: Summa Publications
, 1985
(pp. 28
, Stephen
. “Language and the Void: Gothic Landscapes in the Frontiers of Edgar Allan Poe
.” Genre
, 14
), 347
, Stephen
. “Language and the Void: Poe’s Discourse of Horror
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, University of Oklahoma
, 1982
pp.). DAI, 43 (1982), 1973A
, Klaus
. Die antinomische Imagination—Studien zu einer Amerikanischen literarischen Tradition
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. Frankfurt am Main
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, 1986
(pp. 107
. Introduction to Relatos
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, 1988
(pp. 9
, Joan Tyler
. “‘An Impudent and Ingenious Fiction’: Creative Process as Theme in Edgar Allan Poe’s ‘Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym’
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, Ohio University
, 1982
pp.). DAI, 43 (1983), 2668A
, Cynthia
. “End(ing)s and Mean(ing)s in Pym and Eureka
.” Studies in Short Fiction
, 27
), 55
, Takeshi
. “The True Character of What Goes On Calling—The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym
.” American Literary Review (Tsukuba University)
, 5
): 37
, Chitoshi
. Poe wa Doracula Daroka
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, Judith Malone
. “Interpolated Narratives in Selected Works of Hawthorne, Poe, and Melville
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pp.). DAI, 45 (1984), 1753A
, Masahiro
. “On Poe’s Sea Stories
.”Journal of Otsuki junior College
), 81
, Lou Ann
. “Romance within a Romance: The Fiction of Edgar Allan Poe
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, University of Cincinnati
, 1989
pp.). DAI, 51 (1990), 853A
, Camille
. Sexual Personae: Art and Decadence from Nefertiti to Emily Dickinson
. London and New Haven
: Yale University Press
, 1990
(pp. 325
, 579
, 585
, 590
, Dennis Alan
. “Architects of the Abyss: The Indeterminate Fictions of Poe, Hawthorne and Melville
.” Ph.D. diss.
, SUNY at Buffalo
, 1986
pp.). DAI, 47 (1987), 3429A
, Dennis Alan
. “Poe/Script: The Death of the Author in The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym
.” New Orleans Review
, 14
), 51
. Reprinted in Architects of the Abyss: The Indeterminate Fictions of Poe, Hawthorne and Melville. Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1989 (pp. 41–56)
, Donald
. Visionary Compacts: American Renaissance Writings in Cultural Context
. Madison
: University of Wisconsin Press
, 1987
(pp. 168
, 195
, Jean-Pierre
. “Shéhérazade et le sphinx, Jules Verne explorateur de la mort sur les pas d’Edgar Poe
.” Métaphores
, nos. 15–16
), 289
, Burton R.
Images of Poe’s Works: A Comprehensive Descriptive Catalogue of Illustrations
. New York
: Greenwood Press
, 1989
, Burton R.
Introduction to and commentary on The Imaginary Voyages: The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym, The Unparalleled Adventure of One Hans Pfaall, The Journal of Julius Rodman
. Vol. 1
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. Edited by Pollin
Burton R.
: G. K. Hall
, 1981
(pp. 4
, 17–28, 37–50, 51–52, 211–14, 215–363
, Burton R.
“Poe ‘Viewed and Reviewed’: An Annotated Checklist of Contemporaneous Notices
.” Poe Studies
, 11
), 17
, André
. “Le Voyage initiatique du héros d’Edgar Poe dans les Aventures d’Arthur Gordon Pym
.” Métaphores
, 7
), 83
, Catherine
. “Encounters with the ‘White Sphinx’: Poe’s Influence in Some Early Works of H. G.Wells
.” English Literature in Transition (1880–1920)
, 26
), 35
, Catherine
. “H. G. Wells’ Re-Vision of Poe: The Undying Fire and Mr. Blettsworthy on Rampole Island
.” English Literature in Transition (1880–1920)
, 30
), 423
, David S.
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: Knopf
, 1988
(pp. 173
, 238
, 241
, Claude
. “L’Ecriture d’Arthur Gordon Pym
.” In Richard
, Edgar Allan Poe Ecrivain
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, 1990
(pp. 151
). (First published as a 1975 article in Delta.)
, Joseph V.
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, Donald A.
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, Douglas
. American Apocalypses: The Image of the End of the World in American Literature
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(pp. 111
, Douglas
. “American Apocalypses: The Image of the End of the World in American Literature
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, University of Washington
, 1983
pp.). DAI, 44 (1983), 1793A
, Douglas
. “Reading Poe’s Novel: A Speculative Review of Pym Criticism, 1950–1980
.” Poe Studies
, 15
), 47
, M. L.
“Hurrah for Longinus! Lyric Structure and Inductive Analysis
.”Southern Review
), 30
(esp. 38–42)
, Paul
.“‘Dust Within the Rock’: The Phantasm of Meaning in The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym
.” Studies in the Novel
, 14
), 137
, Paul
. “The Search for Identity: The Enclosure Motif in The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym
.” ESQ: A Journal of the American Renaissance
, 26
), 111
, John Carlos
. “Writing and Truth in Poe’s The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym
.” In Rowe
John Carlos
, Through the Custom House: Nineteenth-Century American Eiction and Modern Theory
. Baltimore
: Johns Hopkins University Press
, 1982
(pp. 91
, 205
). (Revision of “Writing and Truth in The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym.” Glyph 2: Johns Hopkins Textual Studies [1977], 102–21.)
, Douglas Lee
. “The Visionary Tradition: The Ancients, Dante, and Poe
.” Ph.D. diss.
, Case Western Reserve University
, 1987
pp.). DAI, 48 (1988), 1764A
, Roberta
. “Poe’s Chapters on ‘Natural Magic.’
” In Poe and His Times: The Artist and His Milieu
, ed. Fisher
Benjamin Franklin IV
, pp. 154
. Baltimore
: The Edgar Allan Poe Society
, 1990
, Herbert F.
“P/P … Tekelili: Pym Decoded
.” English Studies in Canada
, 14
), 82
, Judith L.
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Judith L.
, The Problematic Fictions of Poe, James, and Hawthorne
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: University of Missouri Press
, 1984
(pp. 12
, Charles
. “Poe and Maturin—A Possible Debt
.” Notes and Queries
), 424
, Takayuki
. “Disfiguration of Genres: A Reading in the Rhetoric of Edgar Allan Poe
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, 1987
pp.). DAI, 48 (1988), 2339A
, Takayuki
. “Edgar Allan Poe: American Rhetoric
.” In Bungaku sura Wakaki America
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. Tokyo
: Nan’undo
, 1989
(pp. 33
, Takayuki
. “Violence as Metaphor: Deconstruction of Authority in The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym
.” Studies in English Literature (The English Literary Society of Japan)
, 61
), 253
, G. R.
Romantic Arabesque, Contemporary Theory, and Postmodernism: The Example of Poe’s “Narrative.”
ESQ: A Journal of the American Renaissance
, 35
), 163
, Amy
. “America’s Gothic Landscape
.” Ph.D. diss.
, New York University
, 1979
pp.). DAI, 40 (1980), 5868A
, Etsuko
. “Infinity in the Mirror—On The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket
.” American Literary Review
, 5
), 28
, Etsuko
. “Studies of The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym (1)
.” The 20th Anniversary of Founding Memorial Number
(Aichi Prefectural University
) (1985
), 639
, Etsuko
. “Studies of The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym (2)
.” Mulberry
, 35
), 109
, Beverly Rose
. “The Lockean Tradition in the Gothic Fiction of Brown, Poe, and Melville
.” Ph.D. diss.
, University of California at Berkeley
, 1979
pp.). DAI, 40 (1980), 4047A
, I. M.
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, ed. Walker
I. M.
: Routledge
, 1986
(pp. 2
, 6
, 21
, 49
, G. K.
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. New York
: Peter Lang
, 1989
, Susan Booker
. “Edgar Allan Poe and the Rhetoric of Science
.” Ph.D. diss.
, Drew University
, 1986
pp.). DAI, 47 (1987), 3760A
, Michael John Stuart
. “‘The Charnel Character to the Figure’: Language and Interpretation in the Fiction of Edgar Allan Poe
.” Ph.D. diss.
, Washington State University
, 1985
pp.). DAI, 46 (1986), 3354A
, Michael John Stuart
. A World of Words: Language and Displacement in the Fiction of Edgar Allan Poe
. Durham
: Duke University Press
, 1988
(pp. 54
, 55
, 125
, 137
. Poe: The Rationale of the Uncanny
. New York
: Peter Lang
, 1988
(pp. 188
, Jules
. “Poe’s Endless Voyage: The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym
.” Papers on Language & Literature
, 22
), 276