Introduction: Dominicanidad in Contradiction
Published:October 2016
The introduction provides an overview of the arguments and of the various theoretical terms the author creates (contradiction, rayano consciousness, dominicanidad) to guide the reader through the basic questions the book answers. The introduction also establishes that the contrapuntal analysis of history and literature guides the examination of the five historical events that underscore the argument of each chapter: the murders of the Galindo Virgins during the Haitian unification of Hispaniola (1822–44), the killing of Afro-religious leader Olivorio Mateo during US Occupation of the Dominican Republic (1916–24), the massacre of twenty thousand ethnic Haitians and rayanos (1937), the US Occupation of the Dominican Republic (1965), and the earthquake that devastated Haiti and western Dominican Republic (2010).
Archivo de la Época Haitiana (1822–44): Legajos 1–4: Record books, court proceedings, and miscellaneous sales and statistical information of the Hispaniola unification period.
Archivo del Gobierno Militar de Santo Domingo (1916–24): A document collection that includes all available papers of the military government, especially of the ministries of health and immigration and the gnd.
Archivo del Palacio Nacional (1940–50): A vast collection that includes all administrative and military memos addressed to or by Trujillo between 1940 and 1950.
Archivo de Prensa: A periodical collection containing every existing newspaper published in the territory of the Dominican Republic since the beginning of the republic in 1844.
Archivo General de la República: The umbrella archive under which all collections concerning the various branches of Dominican government are housed.
Archivo Particular del Generalísimo, Palacio Nacional: A collection of papers and memos including daily intelligence reports, private correspondence, requests by diplomatic personnel, and notes regarding Trujillo’s persecution of the Afro-religious and other dissidents. This collection is now part of the larger Archivo del Palacio Nacional.
Colección Bernardo Vega: Contains documents and information pertaining to the US military occupation (1916–24), the presidency of Horacio Vázquez (1924–30), the Trujillo dictatorship (1930–61), and various political and military processes affecting the Dominican state (1961–80).
Colección José Gabriel García (1738–1968): A series of letters and documents collected by historian José Gabriel García (1834–1910), including the diary of Rosa Duarte, documents related to García’s various government positions, and letters by important world leaders written to García.
Colección Leyes, Decretos y Resoluciones (1844–1961): A collection of decrees and resolutions passed by the various governments of the republic; of particular importance are the ordinances related to immigration and border demarcation.
Documentos de la República (1844–60): A series of documents related to the First Dominican Republic prior to the annexation to Spain; of particular importance is the original 1844 constitution and Juan Pablo Duarte’s writings, which have also been published as Rosa Duarte’s journal.
Secretaría de Estado de Interior y Policía (1844–1993): A series of bureaucratic documents pertaining to the functioning and organization of the police; of particular importance are documents related to the Trujillo dictatorship.
Sentencias Penales de la Época Haitiana (1822–31): A valuable collection of court cases, proceedings, sentencing, and records organized by Ramón Lugo Lovatón in 1944; it includes the proceedings against the rebels conspiring for independence in 1823 in Alcarrizos and the sentencing of Galindo murderers in 1822.
William Shepherd Benson Papers (1855–1932): Correspondence, memoranda, dispatches, speeches, reports, naval appointments, family papers, printed matter, maps, photographs, and other papers relating primarily to Benson’s service as US chief of naval operations during World War I.
Navy Department. Records of the United States Marines. Military Government of Santo Domingo (1916–24): Papers that outline the operations conducted by the military government during the eight-year military intervention on the Dominican Republic (1917–24).