Nancy Rose Hunt is Professor of History at the University of Michigan, and the author of the prizewinning
A Penal Colony, an Infertility Clinic
Published:January 2016
The two-state heuristic concludes with two institutions of the war and postwar years. The biopolitical culminates with development and the rolling out of medication (sulfa, penicillin) in an antigonorrhea campaign. The Songo experiment never managed to be a research trial, releasing Songo from labor to gauge its impact on reproduction. An intensification of agronomy with medical studies, Songo was hated. Songo chiefdom was home to Befale, headquarters of an intensive Fonds du Bien Etre Indigene project with infertility clinic. By 1939, Befale territory contained a penal colony for dangerous rélegués at Ekafera and featured security campaigns to prevent Kimbanguist and Kitawala ideas from spreading. Adherents of these recalcitrant, mobile religious movements had been posted in the district since the 1930s. Ekafera further concentrated such rebels in remote, bounded space; unspoken was its siting in former Abir territory of rubber violence. Development lifted living standards and aimed at alleviating security risks.