Bibliographical Appendix
In the original Italian edition of this book, the Italian translation of the book of Job that I used was that of Gianfranco Ravasi: Giobbe, Commenti Biblici (Rome: Borla, 1984). [Trans: The British New Revised Standard Version is used for the English translation of the Bible. Punctuation and spelling, however, have been set to U.S. standards.] The other translations that I bore in mind were the new one by Stefano Virgulin, La Bibbia (Rome: Edizioni Paolina, 1983) (but see also Virgulin’s introduction to the 1980 Paolina edition of the Libro di Giobbe); the newly revised fourth edition of Il Libro di Giobbe by Guido Ceronetti (Milan: Adelphi, 1988); and that of Pio Federizzi, Giobbe, Italian translation of La sacra Bibbia (Turin and Rome: Marietti, 1972). A comparison with Samuel Terrien’s Job, Commentaire de l’Ancien Testament, vol. 13 (Neuchâtel: Delachaux et Niestlé, 1963) was also crucial.
Each of these translators add a commentary to their translations. The one by Terrien, which we refer to frequently, was the most important.
The following set of texts was also crucial for the attempt to explore the theological–critical debate around the book of Job.
These references can neither exhaust nor approximate the full bibliography of texts on the book of Job that we consulted.
I consulted the following texts closely in the course of my interpretation of the book of Job.
The following is a list of books partially cited in the course of our commentary on the book of Job, which were mentioned to deepen some of the themes that were raised.