The introduction sketches the basic ethnographic context, analytical arguments, and narrative layout of the book’s exploration of Cuban hip hop vis-à-vis race and neoliberal transformation in late revolutionary Cuba. Centrally outlined is the book’s discussion of the emergent identity politics, or modes of black self-fashioning, among Havana-area hip hop artists as they navigate the racialized-classed workings of Cuba’s evolving market economy while articulating a politics of antiracism through music and everyday social practice against a nonracial Cuban status quo. The introduction also provides a brief historization of racial disenfranchisement in Cuba, as well as an opportunity to situate the author’s intellectual approach and ethnographic positionality in the field with regard to a working praxis of raced ethnography.
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Refiguring American Music
Negro Soy Yo: Hip Hop and Raced Citizenship in Neoliberal Cuba
Duke University Press
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