In American English, the pronunciation of words like ‘button,’ with the underlying post-tonic string /tən/, is variable. Previous research has found that although the traditional pronunciation of these words is with [ʔn̩ ], as in [bʌʔn̩ ], this is not the only possible pronunciation. Recent studies have shown that /ən/ is realized as [ən] in certain speech communities, resulting in pronunciations like [bʌʔən]. Furthermore, there have been anecdotal reports that /t/ can be realized as [ɾ], resulting in pronunciations like [bʌɾən]. This article examines whether there is indeed a change underway in /ən/ and /t/ realizations, how these phonemes are interrelated, and what factors and populations are conditioning this change. To address these issues, a production experiment was carried out with participants from Long Island, NY. Results suggest that there is an early-stage change underway, such that younger speakers are more likely to realize /tən/ words with [ən] than [n̩ ]. Realization of /ən/ as [ən] is also significantly correlated with /t/ being realized as [ɾ] and a faster speech rate. There is not yet evidence for a change in progress for /t/ realizations, but [ɾ] productions are significantly correlated with the realization of /ən/ as [ən].

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