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Journal Article
American Literature (2015) 87 (4): 769–798.
Published: 01 December 2015
... that, in concert, these two movements contributed to the erosion of the New Deal regulatory state by elevating psychological—rather than structural or socioeconomic—explanatory templates for social phenomena. In contrast to the literature of the long Progressive Era, in 1950s works the ego and its vicissitudes...
Journal Article
American Literature (2015) 87 (2): 398–400.
Published: 01 June 2015
...Patrick Elliot Alexander Psychology Comes to Harlem: Rethinking the Race Question in Twentieth-Century America . By Garcia Jay . Baltimore : Johns Hopkins Univ. Press . 2012 . x , 216 pp. Cloth , $50.00 ; e-book , $50.00 . Black Regions of the Imagination: African American...
Journal Article
American Literature (2002) 74 (3): 643–644.
Published: 01 September 2002
... Hunting Captain Ahab: Psychological Warfare and the Melville Revival. By Clare L. Spark. Kent, Ohio: Kent State Univ. Press. 2001. x, 730 pp. $55.00. In Hunting Captain Ahab, Clare Spark replicates Ahab’s obsession as she pur- sues the psychology and politics behind the Melville revival of the early...
Journal Article
American Literature (2022) 94 (2): 357–380.
Published: 01 June 2022
... collection, Eleven Kinds of Loneliness —but Yates’s deliberate framing of his stories as “eleven kinds” implies a second object of critique. Reading Yates’s work for social and psychological types, this article proposes that personality tests, corporate typing, and social typologies had a major role...
Journal Article
American Literature (2022) 94 (2): 301–329.
Published: 01 June 2022
... imagining of neurological, cognitive, and psychological variations that existed before and persisted alongside the emergence of modern evolutionary- and hereditary-based diagnostic categories of intelligence. At the same time, “Neurodiverse Afro-Fabulations” argues for the importance of an abjected...
Journal Article
American Literature (2019) 91 (2): 323–356.
Published: 01 June 2019
... abstraction, the essay contextualizes “multicultural” picture books that enlist animal surrogates within the “here and now” innovations of Lucy Sprague Mitchell’s Bank Street Writers Lab and the animal stories of Margaret Wise Brown. In keeping with studies in developmental psychology that explain how...
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Journal Article
American Literature (2019) 91 (4): 721–749.
Published: 01 December 2019
...Shari Goldberg Abstract Scholars tracing the genealogy of trauma generally place its emergence in the 1870s, when the condition began to be conceptualized as mental rather than physical injury, treatable through psychological measures. This essay locates a complicating earlier engagement. Oliver...
Journal Article
American Literature (2008) 80 (4): 799–830.
Published: 01 December 2008
... notions of rhythm and kinaesthetic performance that originated in the new sciences of psychology and anthropology and were popularized by artists and intellectuals such as Isadora Duncan and Mary Austin. Using Duncan and the opera singer Olive Fremstad as models, Stein and Cather developed rhythmic...
Journal Article
American Literature (2009) 81 (2): 305–331.
Published: 01 June 2009
...David H. Evans Grotesque or damaged bodies play a central role in a number of Flannery O'Connor's most powerful stories. One route for interpreting their significance is to approach them by way of a rare psychological condition that has been named apotemnophilia. Apotemnophiliacs experience...
Journal Article
American Literature (2016) 88 (2): 331–360.
Published: 01 June 2016
... this question, it occurred to me that its material appearance amid pages and pages of official accounts of the uses of psychiatry and psychology in World War II on both sides of the Atlantic troubled the official discourse and thus brought into stark relief the deep ambivalence behind the psychiatrists’ project...
Journal Article
American Literature (2003) 75 (1): 61–90.
Published: 01 March 2003
..., upon whom now shall the spirit of the mind-reader fall?—George Beard, ‘‘The Psychology of Spiritism’’ Men do not make panics deliberately; they are their uncon...
Journal Article
American Literature (2003) 75 (1): 185–187.
Published: 01 March 2003
... and the political and social circumstances that make its sanctity both necessary and impossible. Cooley concerns himself with the recurrent trope of the ‘‘house divided’’ and the pre- Freudian psychological model upon which...
Journal Article
American Literature (2001) 73 (2): 424–425.
Published: 01 June 2001
..., and his acceptance of inevitable contingency are narrated with compelling conci- sion. Quinney writes from a profound immersion in modern and postmodern ego psychology, with a sensitive, subtle grasp of poetic texture...
Journal Article
American Literature (2024) 96 (2): 241–267.
Published: 01 June 2024
... trauma, like illness or injury, is no less something felt along [neuronal] pulses.” The psychological literature supports these findings (see Lumley et al. 2011 ). 21 King ( 2008 : 16) explains, “ Blackpain denotes the visual and verbal representation of pained black bodies that function...
Journal Article
American Literature (2017) 89 (4): 895–897.
Published: 01 December 2017
... a “socioformal” method (10) that affirms the relationship between literary criticism and the scientific method. Moya begins by reframing what has often been represented as the universal experience of reading, drawing on a concept from social psychology: the idea that schemas (organizations of past experiences...
Journal Article
American Literature (2001) 73 (2): 423–424.
Published: 01 June 2001
..., and his acceptance of inevitable contingency are narrated with compelling conci- sion. Quinney writes from a profound immersion in modern and postmodern ego psychology, with a sensitive, subtle grasp of poetic texture...
Journal Article
American Literature (2010) 82 (2): 361–388.
Published: 01 June 2010
... manifest an emotional, physical, and intel- lectual phenomenon that Yezierska’s contemporaries termed aesthetic empathy. Anticipating Benjamin’s description of the term while giving it a basis in modern psychology, critics of art and early film of the 1910s and 1920s described the physiological...
Journal Article
American Literature (2001) 73 (4): 695–726.
Published: 01 December 2001
..., in dealing with the corresponding structures of power and feeling within the post–Revolutionary United States, I out- line how the aesthetic engagement and implied psychological forma- 698 American Literature tions constituting the sublime not only find analogues in but also re- hearse the very...
Journal Article
American Literature (2001) 73 (3): 459–496.
Published: 01 September 2001
... idealists in general, and Kant in particular, did not directly influence U.S. concep- tions of mind and psychology until the 1840s, Smith establishes that Brown was one of the earliest critics of his contemporaries’ devotion to a rationalist-sensationalist psychology that blended Locke’s extreme...
Journal Article
American Literature (2013) 85 (3): 419–445.
Published: 01 September 2013
... by Mulford Carla , 1 – 104 . New York : Penguin . Crabtree Adam . 1993 . From Mesmer to Freud: Magnetic Sleep and the Roots of Psychological Healing . New Haven : Yale Univ. Press . Crain Caleb . 2001 . American Sympathy: Men, Friendship, and Literature in the New Nation . New...