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Journal Article
American Literature (2009) 81 (3): 527–554.
Published: 01 September 2009
... of Delany and others in the United States to Nicaragua, a globally crucial location of transit, encompasses both the multiple ideologies of mobility and an expansive and contested definition of American nationality and citizenship. © 2009 by Duke University Press 2009 Jake The Mayor of San...
Journal Article
American Literature (2001) 73 (2): 387–412.
Published: 01 June 2001
... in Nicaragua and granted Nicaraguan immigrants political asylum from the Marxist 6363 AMERICAN LITERATURE 73:2 / sheet 162 of 232 Sandinista government, Salvadorans, Guatemalans, and Hondurans in flight from right-wing military dictatorships and war...
Journal Article
American Literature (2014) 86 (1): 117–145.
Published: 01 March 2014
... . “ Dead Pledges: Debt, Horror, and the Credit Crisis .” Post 45: Peer Reviewed . July 5 . post45.research.yale.edu/2012/05/dead-pledges-debt-horror-and-the-credit-crisis/ . Meeks Brian . 1993 . Caribbean Revolutions and Revolutionary Theory: An Assessment of Cuba, Nicaragua, and Grenada...
Journal Article
American Literature (2002) 74 (1): 1–30.
Published: 01 March 2002
...) became widely used in the United States as an insult for adven- turers who attempted to seize by force territories in Nicaragua, Mexico, and Cuba (see Oxford English Dictionary, s.v. libuster and A Dictio- nary of Americanisms on Historical Principles,ed.MitfordM.Mathews [Chicago...
Journal Article
American Literature (2023) 95 (1): 29–58.
Published: 01 March 2023
... . The now-canonical narrative by Viramontes masterfully intersects the fractured families of Sonya and Macky (presumably Mexican-origin undocumented children) and the anonymous washerwoman (also presumably undocumented but likely from Nicaragua), who mistakes Macky for her disappeared son, Geraldo. Sonya...
Journal Article
American Literature (2006) 78 (3): 585–612.
Published: 01 September 2006
... into European trade colo- nies; the birth of the second British empire in India; and several ‘‘inter- ventions’’ performed by U.S. troops in such places as Argentina, Bra- zil, Chile, Columbia, Nicaragua, Hawaii, Korea, and China.23 In order for this reframing to occur, however, certain assumptions (namely...
Journal Article
American Literature (2021) 93 (4): 655–683.
Published: 01 December 2021
... that this essay has asserted. We might even draw a faint but continuous line from The Speed of Darkness to Rich’s ( 1986c : 162) profound self-revision in the early 1980s, when a trip to Nicaragua inspired her to disavow her earlier universalizing analyses as symptoms of “not only a white but a specifically...
Journal Article
American Literature (2006) 78 (2): 357–387.
Published: 01 June 2006
... collaborated with then Vice-President George H. W. Bush in funneling illegal aid to the Contras in order to overthrow the government of Nicaragua. While directing the largest U.S. overseas complex in the world in Baghdad, Negroponte led U.S. military advising and intelligence that committed...
Journal Article
American Literature (2016) 88 (1): 127–157.
Published: 01 March 2016
... the opportunity to work in the ship represents escape from a life of constrained opportu- nities in Nicaragua, where he has suffered trauma fighting the Con- tras. But the ship (somewhat heavy-handedly named the URUS)isa trap. The URUS hasbeenregisteredundera“flag of convenience,” making it an extension...