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Journal Article
American Literature (2008) 80 (2): 353–379.
Published: 01 June 2008
...Cristanne Miller Marianne Moore's war poems of the 1940s, and in particular “In Distrust of Merits,” have frequently been read as a compendium of didactic, clichéd, pious, overstated public pronouncements brought on by the immediate urgency of the war, “show[ing] too much the pressure of news...
Journal Article
American Literature (2008) 80 (3): 583–609.
Published: 01 September 2008
..., Gates's Signifyin(g) Monkey; and the narrator's own “unreliability” reflects on the black-authored text's “distrust” of the (white) American reader, a Kleinian “paranoid defence” against allowing the possibility of love to overcome hatred. As the talking book that is Jazz finds its Derridean “trace...
Journal Article
American Literature (2015) 87 (3): 547–574.
Published: 01 September 2015
... intensifications of pain for identificatory and reformist purposes. It then explores realism as an aesthetic approach that distinguishes itself from these two distrusted alternatives by expressly depoliticizing pain while foregrounding its intrinsic sensitizing value. Analysis of writings by Wharton, James...
Journal Article
American Literature (2020) 92 (4): 759–766.
Published: 01 December 2020
... history” (345). The predicament posed by plague time, that yellow fever and other disorders were versions of the same diseases that had brought past societies to ruin, provoked a solution less temporal than spatial: Webster and his peers helped foster a distrust of cities that ultimately pushed Americans...
Journal Article
American Literature (2008) 80 (4): 739–767.
Published: 01 December 2008
... distrust of his own body’s rebellious fragility endears genuine expression to him as the most promising means of successful communication. The lyceum was the most likely forum for enacting it. The lyceum suited him because it was intentionally apolitical and nonsectarian: “Again and again...
Journal Article
American Literature (2023) 95 (3): 600–602.
Published: 01 September 2023
... exemplifies the idea of goodness, an idea, she says, that “fascinated” her. Evil gets all the glamour and pyrotechnics, Morrison acknowledges in the lecture, all the more reason to distrust its lure: “Allowing goodness its own speech does not annihilate evil, but it does allow me to signify my own...
Journal Article
American Literature (2013) 85 (2): 333–361.
Published: 01 June 2013
..., 1935-1968 . Iowa City : Univ. of Iowa Press . Marsh Alec . 1998 . Money and Modernity . Tuscaloosa : Univ. of Alabama Press . Miller Cristanne . 1995 . Marianne Moore: Questions of Authority . Cambridge : Harvard Univ. Press . ———. 2008 . “ Distrusting: Marianne Moore...
Journal Article
American Literature (2023) 95 (4): 701–728.
Published: 01 December 2023
... not behave in Asia. In this way, the long Korean War’s racial strategy formed Afro-Asian antagonism. African American soldiers also came to deeply distrust their Asian “allies.” According to Michael Cullen Green ( 2010 : 113), “American servicemen moving up the peninsula encountered streams of South...
Journal Article
American Literature (2019) 91 (2): 323–356.
Published: 01 June 2019
... invoking the divisiveness of US racial history. Copyright © 2019 by Duke University Press 2019 picture books Asian American literature critical race studies transracial adoption biodiversity Deep puritanical distrust of fantasy . . . comes out often among people truly and seriously...
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Journal Article
American Literature (2016) 88 (2): 430–438.
Published: 01 June 2016
...: Univ. of South Carolina Press. 2015. ix, 142 pp. Cloth, $39.95; e-book, $38.99. In this extensive study of William Butler Yeats and Robinson Jeffers, Fleming close reads their poetry to discover related imagery and themes, such as the belief in eternal recurrence, distrust of rationalism...
Journal Article
American Literature (2022) 94 (3): 439–472.
Published: 01 September 2022
...” and increased distrust of the urban poor (Trattner 2007 : 53). The modern conception of childhood to which Mavor refers came into its own in the nineteenth century. By the century’s middle decades, a “proper childhood” was organized around dependence, while “autonomy, both economic and social...
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Journal Article
American Literature (2023) 95 (2): 337–349.
Published: 01 June 2023
... of social distrust that requires permanent chicken anklets and surveillance tracking. The question of trust and the counterfeit appears in other moments of the book, such as the discussion of Alipay, pearl farms, and the existence of shanzhai (knockoff) products. Yet here, Wang provocatively reclaims...
Journal Article
American Literature (2023) 95 (1): 1–28.
Published: 01 March 2023
... ( 2010 : 786) argues, “The most common narrative device used by recent novelists of slavery to signal their distrust of history is a dramatic foreshortening of the temporal distance between slavery and the present.” For Jones, the foreshortened distance between slavery and the present signals more than...
Journal Article
American Literature (2018) 90 (4): 693–722.
Published: 01 December 2018
... fell from grace he cost man his claim to perfect knowledge as well as ownership of his soul. Puritan “distrust of human interpretive authority” (Gordis 2003 , 2) proceeds from this defect in our understanding; so do the methods of Bible reading and exegesis that, as Lisa Gordis ( 2003 ) has been...
Journal Article
American Literature (2010) 82 (1): 57–90.
Published: 01 March 2010
... attention to his skin color abroad— by restoring the scene to its appropriate transnational joking context, over which the more liberal ribaldries of Punch held sway. When the political leanings of Punch shifted from deprecation of slavocratic hubris in the 1840s and 1850s to distrust...
Journal Article
American Literature (2006) 78 (2): 207–234.
Published: 01 June 2006
... the penitentiaries: ‘‘We make, by distrust, the thief, and burglar, and incendiary, and by our court and jail we keep him so. An accep- tance of the sentiment of love throughout Christendom for a season would bring the felon and the outcast to our side in tears He went on: ‘‘See this wide society of laboring men...
Journal Article
American Literature (2009) 81 (3): 469–495.
Published: 01 September 2009
... is not entirely insignificant. As Ann Kibbey has argued, Puritan interest in rheto- ric stemmed from a distrust of language to be adequately literal in itself, but this distrust did not extend to other kinds of representation. Where rhetorical representations might falter, material...
Journal Article
American Literature (2004) 76 (2): 275–306.
Published: 01 June 2004
... that ‘‘the contents of this list are large and rich comprising t]hree-fourths perhaps of all that men observe 6 If these things are what poetry isn’t, his essay never manages to say what, if anything, poetry might actually be. A distrust of verse on topical subjects sounds quaint in the anxiously high-toned...
Journal Article
American Literature (2000) 72 (4): 783–812.
Published: 01 December 2000
... that distrust of the United States which marks the rapidly growing nationalism of the South American States a newly anointed world power cannot allow such regional niceties to interfere with its mission: ‘‘By the mere fact...
Journal Article
American Literature (2005) 77 (2): 349–377.
Published: 01 June 2005
... (or plainclothes) work, where one is exposed to the disorder and corruption of those one is meant to serve. (The prince shames the public, sends them into exile.) For these Italian American men, under- cover work takes them into a no man’s land that enhances distrust of the public sphere for which they have...