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Journal Article
American Literature (2014) 86 (1): 194–197.
Published: 01 March 2014
... Security State. By Timothy Melley. Ithaca, NY: Cornell Univ. Press, 2012. x, 289 pp. Cloth, $75.00; paper, $26.95. No Accident, Comrade: Chance and Design in Cold War American Narratives. By Steven Belletto. New York: Oxford Univ. Press. 2012. vii, 206 pp. $65.00. The Naked Communist: Cold War...
Journal Article
American Literature (2022) 94 (3): 473–496.
Published: 01 September 2022
..., were being offered any real opportunities for economic uplift. When Rufus is offered a job as a clerk in a Wall Street broker’s office, he promptly accepts, adding that there “ain’t any chance to rise in the paper business” (297). Inasmuch as Alger’s works endorse a capitalist future (which...
Journal Article
American Literature (2013) 85 (4): 821–824.
Published: 01 December 2013
...Erin A. Smith Emily Dickinson and the Religious Imagination . By Freedman Linda . New York : Cambridge Univ. Press . 2011 . x, 210 pp . $90.00 . Uncertain Chances: Science, Skepticism, and Belief in Nineteenth-Century American Literature . By Lee Maurice S. . New York...
Journal Article
American Literature (2009) 81 (2): 225–252.
Published: 01 June 2009
...Maurice S. Lee Edgar Allan Poe's texts famously set reason against irrationality, usually formulated in terms of gothic horror, linguistic indeterminacy, psychosexual anxiety, racial fear, or some combination thereof. The disruptive power of chance is less noticed but nonetheless crucial to Poe's...
Journal Article
American Literature (2009) 81 (3): 555–582.
Published: 01 September 2009
...Stephanie LeMenager John William De Forest's Miss Ravenel's Conversion from Secession to Loyalty was written from 1864 to 1867, when Reconstruction still had a chance of changing the face of American reality. It could be called the only U.S. realist novel that reports to us from within this moment...
Journal Article
American Literature (2021) 93 (2): 195–226.
Published: 01 June 2021
... graphs that focus on rates of freedom and enslavement over time. While both are generated by numbers, they also indicate the “Incalculable” force of “Chance” that urges past counting and the abuse threatened therein. This imaging of numbered Black life, I propose in a concluding section, mounts...
Journal Article
American Literature (2009) 81 (2): 253–279.
Published: 01 June 2009
... project that will embrace materiality as the means for reinventing the subject. If we are in fact constellations of atoms, then the possibilities available to subjectivity would seem as various and indeterminate as the com- binations available to matter. And for Whitman this means the chance...
Journal Article
American Literature (2011) 83 (1): 1–27.
Published: 01 March 2011
... suggests Bradley’s innovation: to make the “exercise of judgment” the primary focus of his game (“SG Combining chance and choice, Life foregrounds decision making. Reform Games in Milton Bradley and Walt Whitman 7 Rolling a one through three allows the player to move...
Journal Article
American Literature (2014) 86 (1): 204–206.
Published: 01 March 2014
..., for both suggest a flux, a swarm, a realm of randomness, of quantum jumps and uncertain events, an open-ended space of spontaneity, discontinuity, and chance. . . . Many postmodernist novels, as we shall see, inhabit a similar realm, a present moment entirely in flux, suspended between a past...
Journal Article
American Literature (2012) 84 (1): 31–60.
Published: 01 March 2012
... chance rereading of the Iliad while perusing Desmond Morris’s The Naked Ape (1967) leads him to a vision of Homer’s epic as “a drama of naked apes—strutting, preening, fighting . . . in fierce competition for social dominance, desir- able mates, and material resources.” The result, for Gottschall...
Journal Article
American Literature (2011) 83 (4): 775–801.
Published: 01 December 2011
... . . . the Negro is given a man’s chance” (220). “No race that has anything to contribute to the markets of the world,” he emphasizes, “is long in any degree ostracized” (223). The most prevalent discourse of capitalism at the turn of the cen- tury was not, however, one of friendship. Instead, it described...
Journal Article
American Literature (2018) 90 (1): 141–170.
Published: 01 March 2018
... the individual’s development. The powerful hold of this hermeneutics can be felt in the reading practices critics bring to minority life stories and, more consequentially, in the social policy visions that shape minority life chances. Bildungsroman hermeneutics pervades critical responses to Mango Street...
Journal Article
American Literature (2000) 72 (2): 243–247.
Published: 01 June 2000
.... To summon Chaucer’s explanation of the Knight’s premier place as storyteller in the Canterbury Tales,I say, B]y fate, or chance, I know not what the blessings of Professor Davidson’s goodness have been bestowed upon me. I...
Journal Article
American Literature (2001) 73 (3): 459–496.
Published: 01 September 2001
...’’ and ‘‘violent apprehensions’’ of ‘‘gob- lins and spectres His response is to ‘‘hallowasloudasorgans of unusual compass and vigour would enable methewordswhich chanced to occur to merepeat[ing] in the shrill tones of a Mo- hock savageCow!cow!come home! home 1 As the echoes of these tones in the rocky...
Journal Article
American Literature (2022) 94 (1): 73–102.
Published: 01 March 2022
... developers committed toward a fictional gay Benny rendered straight during adaptation, referring to this simply as a lost opportunity—suggestive of a past chance they missed exploiting. But to demand more than the superficial logic of lost opportunity for diverse representation in developer discourses...
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Journal Article
American Literature (2011) 83 (2): 475–477.
Published: 01 June 2011
..., and I am grateful to have gotten the chance to know him. I will miss seeing him in the hallways and the neighborhood, but wanted most of all to acknowledge—and thank—him for being such an inspiration to me and to others throughout his long career. Priscilla Wald Editor, American Literature...
Journal Article
American Literature (2000) 72 (4): 891–892.
Published: 01 December 2000
... melancholy’’ in Chance, Lord Jim, The Good Soldier, and The Great Gatsby and finds that sentimentalism, usually considered antithetical to modernism, persists in the homoerotic performances of narrators like Nick Carraway...
Journal Article
American Literature (2003) 75 (4): 869–870.
Published: 01 December 2003
... opportunities so intelligently explored, Fahs does miss the chance to reckon more than sporadically with soldier audiences. As David Kaser’s Books and Libraries in Camp and Battle has documented, many sol- diers...
Journal Article
American Literature (2017) 89 (2): 279–304.
Published: 01 June 2017
... “the possibility of life in capitalist ruins,” to Eben Kirksey’s ( 2015 , 1) analysis of symbiotic ecological relationships and multispecies assemblages “formed and transformed by chance encounters, historical accidents, and parasitic invasions,” thereby offering “hope within [blasted] landscapes” (7), recent...
Journal Article
American Literature (2007) 79 (1): 29–56.
Published: 01 March 2007
..., a move that counters the growing juridical and domestic acceptance of the Russians as a white race. Enthusiasm for the war influenced Eaton to write two further works that deal explicitly with the conflict: A Japanese Blossom and “The Wrench of Chance,” a short story...