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Spanish influenza

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Journal Article
American Literature (2020) 92 (4): 689–696.
Published: 01 December 2020
.... The future that lies ahead, the history the speaker begs to “hold still,” risks becoming repetition: yet another waiting for yet another catastrophe, whatever form that catastrophe might take. historical trauma Yellow Fever Spanish influenza futurity knowing We know now, perhaps, as we have...
Journal Article
American Literature (2006) 78 (4): 769–798.
Published: 01 December 2006
... analogy. In Slavery! Slavery! (1997) a black child in orientalist garb perfumes the rear end of a white or creole woman carrying a black mask (see fig. 9). When juxta- posed with its neighboring silhouettes, this perfume changes into its opposite; it emerges as ordure, while the Spanish moss hanging...