The expansion of queer and trans studies across humanistic and social-scientific disciplines has coincided with a suspicion of the impulse to “queer everything” or “trans everything.” This suspicion may, of course, constitute a thinly veiled attack on the legitimacy of antihomophobic and antitransphobic research. Yet, queer and trans studies scholars themselves have deemed it important to monitor what queerness and transness do, or are expected to do, to the objects to which they are affixed, whether kinship, time, or space. One version of this monitoring, on display in the three books under review, consists of preventing the terms “queer” and “trans” from merely performing an ameliorative function, or adding value to objects of inquiry by making them more interesting, more exciting, better. Yetta Howard, Stephen Dillon, and Aren Z. Aizura’s first monographs show a commitment, varyingly sustained, to queer and trans studies that are wary of their own organizing...
Ugly Differences: Queer Female Sexuality in the Underground
Fugitive Life: The Queer Politics of the Prison State
Mobile Subjects: Transnational Imaginaries of Gender Reassignment
Jean-Thomas Tremblay is assistant professor of English at New Mexico State University. Their research in the environmental and medical humanities, literature and culture, and feminist, queer, and trans studies has appeared in differences, Criticism, Post45, Critical Inquiry, Women and Performance, and New Review of Film and Television Studies, and their public writing has been published in such venues as the Los Angeles Review of Books, Arcade, Public Books, The Rambling, and Full Stop. They are completing the monograph Breathing Aesthetics and editing, with Andrew Strombeck, the collection Avant-Gardes in Crisis: Art and Politics in the Long 1970s.
Jean-Thomas Tremblay; Ugly Differences: Queer Female Sexuality in the Underground
Fugitive Life: The Queer Politics of the Prison State
Mobile Subjects: Transnational Imaginaries of Gender Reassignment. American Literature 1 December 2020; 92 (4): 817–820. doi:
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