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Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2001) 1999 (1): 243–258.
Published: 01 September 2001
... for coining the phrase ‘‘Manifest Destiny O’Sullivan’s important magazine has long deserved the careful examination and informed literary and his- torical understanding that Widmer brings to it. On the other side of the political fence, so to speak, is Dorothy C. Broaddus’s Genteel Rhetoric: Writing High...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2012) 2010 (1): 249–272.
Published: 01 September 2012
... book-length study offers valuable insight into the Native American presence in New England, while a few articles offer perspectives on a number of issues relating to the period’s important Indian literature. Scholars examine a number of prominent literary women, among them Harriet Beecher Stowe...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2016) 2014 (1): 211–233.
Published: 01 September 2016
... of the period will discover books and articles that shine valuable light on the period’s literary culture. Important book-length studies, as has been the case in recent years, focus on indi- vidual authors and on such issues as men and domesticity, the influence of journalism on American women writers...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2015) 2013 (1): 215–238.
Published: 01 September 2015
... such as the importance of world history in the works of the period’s major writers, the role of preaching in the development of the novel, and the relationship of science, free love, and feminism serve as the basis for some thought- provoking studies. Persuasive essays discuss race, print culture, gender, urban...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2013) 2011 (1): 239–262.
Published: 01 September 2013
.... Reflecting a trend evident the past few years, the number of book-length projects dropped noticeably. Cultural issues play important roles in many works, and, of course, commentators continue to focus on individual authors prominent during the period. Several studies examine “blackness” as it relates...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2008) 2006 (1): 453–469.
Published: 01 September 2008
..., Zora Neale Hurston, Ishmael Reed, and Thomas Pyn- chon, Schweighauser convincingly makes a case for “normalizing” noise as a legitimate focus of critical inquiry. For instance, Dos Passos’s experi- ments with the cacophony of voices produce important historicized information...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2002) 2000 (1): 435–449.
Published: 01 September 2002
...Theodore O. Mason, Jr.; Gary Lee Stonum Duke University Press 2002 20 Themes, Topics, Criticism Theodore O. Mason Jr. and Gary Lee Stonum An important feature of the year’s scholarship is the focus on the relation of literature to the concept of identity. More than...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2005) 2003 (1): 3–31.
Published: 01 September 2005
... of the spiritual life. Included in the volume are the earlier essays ‘‘Compensation’’ and ‘‘The Over-Soul’’ (1841), which deserve more critical attention than they have recently received, and ‘‘Character’’ (1866), an important articulation of Emerson’s later commitment to ethical...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2011) 2009 (1): 239–262.
Published: 01 September 2011
... works examine the contri- butions of African American writers. The importance of the period’s travel literature informs a number of works appearing this year. Roman Catholicism in the 19th century once again attracts scholarly atten- tion. Although the quantity of books written on Edgar Allan Poe...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2010) 2008 (1): 233–255.
Published: 01 September 2010
... Edgar Allan Poe remains a popular subject, and several important publications, including a splendid new edition of his collected letters, offer fresh perspectives on his works. In addition, new biographies of Washington Irving and William Cullen Bryant shed light on two of the century’s most...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2020) 2018 (1): 173–195.
Published: 01 September 2020
... that offer compelling insights into the period s fascinating literary cul- ture. Important book-length studies discuss various themes, including the action-adventure heroine who transgresses social norms by leaving her domestic space to pursue independent adventure, and the ways environment and experience...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2007) 2005 (1): 3–27.
Published: 01 September 2007
... supplemented by Helen Deese’s important portrait of Caroline Healey Dall, Daughter of Boston, Megan Marshall’s new biography The Peabody Sisters, and Tiffany K. Wayne’s Woman Thinking, which explains the formative influence of Transcendentalism on the 19th-century women’s rights movement. New...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2008) 2006 (1): 3–32.
Published: 01 September 2008
... and book chapters on Fuller continues to highlight her place as a major cultural figure, and Fuller also plays a key role, with Emerson and Thoreau, in Wai Chee Dimock’s call for a reading of American literature that is more capacious both geographi- cally and chronologically. It was an important...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2009) 2007 (1): 3–34.
Published: 01 September 2009
...David M. Robinson Duke University Press 2009 Part I 1 Emerson, Thoreau, Fuller, and Transcendentalism David M. Robinson Annus mirabilis ! The year 2007 brought important additions to the Emerson Collected Works edition and the Princeton Thoreau edition; notable...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2004) 2002 (1): 3–24.
Published: 01 September 2004
...David M. Robinson Duke University Press 2004 Part I 1 Emerson, Thoreau, Fuller, and Transcendentalism David M. Robinson On the eve of the Emerson Bicentennial, which promises an extensive reassessment of Emerson’s legacy, the year 2002 brings several important scholarly...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2009) 2007 (1): 387–408.
Published: 01 September 2009
... the poets it treats with such unhelpful shifters as “also” and “another,” Jones’s survey rightly American Literary Scholarship (2007) doi 10.1215/00659142-2008-012 © 2009 by Duke University Press 388 Poetry: 1900 to the 1940s emphasizes the importance...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2007) 2005 (1): 351–368.
Published: 01 September 2007
... to the Present Federman, William Gaddis, John Hawkes, Jerzy Kosinski, Thomas Pynchon, Ishmael Reed, Ronald Sukenick, and Kurt Vonnegut.” The contexts in which they worked and the state of literature in their time is especially important to Hoffmann, who respects these contexts and states...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2017) 2015 (1): 195–218.
Published: 01 September 2017
... the distinction between word and act through means of performa- tive speech theory, the role of mass democracy in fiction, portrayals of the struggling artist, and the transatlantic literary culture stand as valu- able contributions to this year’s scholarship. Important essays discuss a variety of topics...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2010) 2008 (1): 335–364.
Published: 01 September 2010
.... The subject’s role is important to all three. Pynchon’s novel “explores the capricious force of creativity in the absence of intersubjective exchange,” while Morrison’s “depicts a world in which the subject’s creative powers are securely stifled by the harsh reality of oppression.” The logical...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2003) 2001 (1): 139–154.
Published: 01 September 2003
... maintains. But her book is important for its many astute insights and for bringing to light signiŽcant correspondence, which none of the biographers of Wharton or Cather even mentions. In Mysteries o f Paris: The Quest for Morton Fullerton (New England) Marion Mainwaring presents the results...