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Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2012) 2010 (1): 75–96.
Published: 01 September 2012
... Archive (www.whitmanarchive.org). Ed Folsom explores some associations between Whitman and Emily Dickinson in “Transcendental Poetics: Emerson, Higginson, and the Rise of Whitman and Dickinson,” as does William C. Spengemann in Three American Poets: Walt Whitman, Emily Dickinson, and Herman...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2003) 2001 (1): 67–95.
Published: 01 September 2003
... reception in England appeared as well. Dickinson scholarship enjoys a surge of interest in biography with the publication of My Wars Are Laid Away in Books: The Li fe of Emily Dickin- son by Alfred Habegger as well as a book by Marietta Messmer that consolidates and extends criticism...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2013) 2011 (1): 61–89.
Published: 01 September 2013
...Amanda Gailey; Jane Donahue Eberwein © 2013 Duke University Press 2013 4  Whitman and Dickinson Amanda Gailey and Jane Donahue Eberwein This year’s scholarship on Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson includes little overlap but is wide ranging, with a good deal of international...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2000) 1998 (1): 61–86.
Published: 01 September 2000
...M. Jimmie Killingsworth; Daneen Wardrop © 2000 Duke University Press 2000 4 Whitman and Dickinson M. Jimmie Killingsworth and Daneen Wardrop Scholarship in Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson reached a high- water mark with the appearance, for the first time, of encyclopedias for both authors...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2015) 2013 (1): 55–79.
Published: 01 September 2015
... modern “codings and coordinations” of sexuality. The article reproduces and carefully reads a moving letter Whitman wrote to the family of a young soldier whose death he attended. In “Walt Whitman, Emily Dickinson, and the Civil War: Invent- ing the Poetry of Mass Death,” pp. 72–88 in War, ed...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2014) 2012 (1): 51–74.
Published: 01 September 2014
...Amanda Gailey; Daniel Manheim © 2014 Duke University Press 2014 4  Whitman and Dickinson Amanda Gailey and Daniel Manheim This year’s work on Walt Whitman, more modest than that devoted to Emily Dickinson, mostly takes the form of articles and book chapters, including...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2004) 2002 (1): 59–83.
Published: 01 September 2004
.... Scholarship on the two poets also benefits from important contributions in contextual studies, including two major collections: The Cambridge Companion to Emily Dickinson and Whitman East and West: New Contexts for Reading Walt Whitman. The poets’ international appeal, evident in the Whitman...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2001) 1999 (1): 71–96.
Published: 01 September 2001
... of Emily Dickinson: Reading Edition, based on Franklin’s 1998 three-volume vari- orum; in addition, a proliferation of essays on textual concerns largely in response to the variorum appeared, as well as several fine historical studies and studies considering Dickinson in the light of other...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2010) 2008 (1): 67–89.
Published: 01 September 2010
..., Jason Stacy, John Tessitore, Zoe Trodd, and Ed Whitley. Two issues of the Walt Whitman Quarterly Review include extensively anno- tated updates to “Walt Whitman: A Current Bibliography” (WWQR 25: 120–38, 205–13; 26: 57–64, 114–12). ii  Emily Dickinson a. Books  A Companion to Emily...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2006) 2004 (1): 69–92.
Published: 01 September 2006
..., for a glimpse into one area of development in the archive). New discoveries reported in the 2004 WWQR include the Loving item already men- tioned as well as “ ‘Yesterday’s Military Show’: An Uncollected Piece of Whitman Journalism” by Martin G. Murray (21: 166–72). ii  Emily Dickinson a. Books...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2020) 2018 (1): 49–67.
Published: 01 September 2020
... at the undergraduate and graduate levels to see literature not only or even at all as the product of a burst of inspiration but, instead, as the result of recurring acts of creation and re-creation in addition to learning how the manuscript alters our understanding of the published text. ii Emily Dickinson...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2022) 2020 (1): 47–73.
Published: 01 September 2022
... different types of telegraphs by Whitman, Emily Dickinson, Nathaniel Hawthorne, and women telegraphers and the communication practices by Native Americans, arguing that telegraph writers craft virtual technotopias in which they often imagine the telegraph to provide a metaphysical conduit between...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2002) 2000 (1): 61–90.
Published: 01 September 2002
... with ambivalence at best), ‘‘includes herself among Whitman’s literary progeny by evoking him repeatedly—by allusion . . . , by rhythm and syntax, by diction, by images of seeing and fluidity especially the fluidity of identity. ii Emily Dickinson a. Bibliography, Editing, and Reference While no new editions...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2011) 2009 (1): 67–82.
Published: 01 September 2011
..., providing readers and scholars with an ever-growing repository of printed and digital resources on Whitman, the most notable source of which is now the Archive. While only two books exclusively devoted to Emily Dickinson appeared in 2009—one a collection of essays on her international...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2017) 2015 (1): 45–62.
Published: 01 September 2017
... of literary celebrities. Whitman generally avoided autograph hunters, who he came to see as deceptive and a nuisance, but he channeled the cultural interest in autograph hunting into a market- ing strategy for his books, where he began to include a facsimile of his autograph. ii  Emily Dickinson...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2005) 2003 (1): 65–81.
Published: 01 September 2005
... individual seeking a commu- nity of readers from Emerson and Whitman to contemporary American writers. In ‘‘Poets of Compassion: Walt Whitman, Emily Dickinson, and War’’ (Multitudes [Summer]: 2–7) Ed Folsom treats Whitman’s experi- ence of finding a pile of amputated limbs as he searched for his brother...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2016) 2014 (1): 49–73.
Published: 01 September 2016
... of an 1858 Brooklyn Daily Times article on the 18th-century Swedish mystic and theologian. Kruger explains that Whitman “looked to Swedenborg as a literary, philosophical, and theological exemplar from whom he could seek inspiration for his own personal and poetical aspirations.” ii  Emily Dickinson...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2008) 2006 (1): 73–96.
Published: 01 September 2008
... in Dickinson scholarship, distinguished by two important new books, Páraic Finnerty’s Emily Dickinson’s Shake- speare and Thomas Gardner’s A Door Ajar: Contemporary Writers and Emily Dickinson; an issue of ESQ: A Journal of the American Renaissance devoted entirely to Dickinson; and a special issue...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2009) 2007 (1): 69–96.
Published: 01 September 2009
... affirms that a “database is the equally essential counter-technology, the innate desire to pile up . . . things that don’t sort themselves immediately into narrative—items we can access later.” 82 Whitman and Dickinson ii  Emily Dickinson a. Books  Wider Than...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2020) 2018 (1): 451–468.
Published: 01 September 2020
... Chinitz, David, 138 39, 144 Chiribocea, Olivia, 370 Choperena, Ana, 212 Churchill, Suzanne, 334 Chute, Hillary, 304 Ciocia, Stefania, 80, 259 Ciompi, Fausto, 390 Ciugureanu, Adina, 368 Claborn, John, 227 Clare, Richard, 316 Clark, Emily Suzanne, 443 Clarke, Robert, 447 454 Author Index Clavier, Aurore...