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Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2003) 2001 (1): vii–viii.
Published: 01 September 2003
... double-check citations on my laptop from my living room rather than roaming the library, and I am able to communicate with contributors (and the contributors with me and with each other) at the push of a send button rather than writing postcards or playing phone-tag. Meanwhile, the sheer volume...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2011) 2009 (1): 521–530.
Published: 01 September 2011
... (Greenwood), contains 180 entries on writers, works, and topics related to the “Hip Hop Genera- tion,” including ones on such seminal texts as Claude Brown’s Manchild in the Promised Land and films as Boyz in the Hood. The editor insists that “every entry is written by an expert contributor,” yet 40...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2000) 1998 (1): vii–ix.
Published: 01 September 2000
... noted that contributors had no obligation to comprehensively address MLA coverage; they could be selective or inclusive and could cover many items briefly or discuss the most important few in greater detail. The conditions of scholarship that prompted AmLS are today more daunting, with the number...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2022) 2020 (1): vii–viii.
Published: 01 September 2022
... alternated years since then. Our joint decision to withdraw would not in itself have meant the end. But academic conditions have changed dramatically in recent years, as we have noted in recent forewords and as several contributors to this present volume comment in their essays: the transformation...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2017) 2015 (1): 439–449.
Published: 01 September 2017
... every title of the 31 biographically moored essays in this collec- tion contains the name of an actual poet. Contributors include Irm- scher on the Fireside Poets, Kevin J. Hayes on Edgar Allan Poe, David S. Reynolds on Walt Whitman, Robert Faggen on Herman Melville, Martha Nell Smith on Emily...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2010) 2008 (1): vii–viii.
Published: 01 September 2010
... Warren French and the late Louis Owens.) Several chapter contributors, most notably William J. Scheick and Jerome Klinkowitz, have been involved for some three decades. So I will simply note my anniversary in my own calendar. First-time users of this series should be aware that our contributors...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2001) 1999 (1): vii–viii.
Published: 01 September 2001
... of over 40 percent over the past four years. Of necessity, AmLS selectively reviews this scholarship. The quality of the annual has always been a measure of the caliber of its contributors, and this year is no exception. Contributors new to AmLS 1999 are Thomas Wortham, UCLA, who takes over...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2005) 2003 (1): vii–viii.
Published: 01 September 2005
..., and dissertations per year. By design and of necessity AmLS is a selective review of this scholarship. As I have often indicated in the past, moreover, the quality of this annual is always a measure of the caliber of its contributors. The authors new to AmLS 2003 are Carol Singley, Rutgers University, Camden...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2013) 2011 (1): vii–viii.
Published: 01 September 2013
...Gary Scharnhorst © 2013 Duke University Press 2013 Foreword This is the tenth volume of American Literary Scholarship I’ve edited since 1995. In many ways the task has become easier over time thanks to the extraordinary dedication of the contributors and the development of new...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2007) 2005 (1): 529–537.
Published: 01 September 2007
... entries, 90 percent of them on individual authors, by some 300 contributors. Many of the remainder are devoted to seminal texts and such esoteric but noteworthy topics as Amish literature, Vietnamese American literature, Chinese American literature, Cuban American poetry, Lithuanian American...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2017) 2015 (1): vii–viii.
Published: 01 September 2017
... and expertise of its contributors. Joining the roster this year are a host of new essayists, and may their reward be great in references libraries. Todd H. Richard- son of the University of Texas of the Permian Basin succeeds Robert Habich as the author of Chapter 1 (“Emerson, Thoreau, Fuller...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2016) 2014 (1): vii–viii.
Published: 01 September 2016
... responsibilities. I began my fore- word to the 1986 volume with an inventory of changes in the authorship of individual chapters. That element of AmLS also remains constant: contributors depart, and others take their places. The number of changes between the current volume and next year’s is great...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2004) 2002 (1): vii–viii.
Published: 01 September 2004
..., Hershel Parker, George Monteiro, and James E. Miller Jr. All the more reason, then, for the original purpose set out by James Woodress to be carefully maintained. The roster of contributors is invariably a mix of continuity and change. viii Foreword New...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2003) 2001 (1): 533–544.
Published: 01 September 2003
... among the roster of distinguished contributors: William J. Harris on Amiri Baraka, William Andrews on Charles W. Chesnutt, Frances Smith Foster on Frances E. W. Harper, Arnold Rampersad on Langston Hughes, Eric Haralson on Gloria Nay- lor, Henry Louis Gates Jr. on Ishmael Reed, Herman Beavers...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2001) 1999 (1): 519–530.
Published: 01 September 2001
... smacks of a slapdash job. The roster of contributors generally consists of graduate students or recent Ph.D.s; that is, the editor might have re- cruited more experienced or seasoned contributors, given the impor- tance of the topic. Similarly, Black Authors and Illustrators of Books...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2006) 2004 (1): xi–xix.
Published: 01 September 2006
... a chapter contributor reaches back to items from the year or two previous that have been missed in earlier discussions; in those instances year of publication is specified. Chapters in Part I of the volume focus on individual authors or critically affiliated groups of authors; those in Part II scan...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2006) 2004 (1): vii–ix.
Published: 01 September 2006
.... Occasionally a chapter contributor reaches back to items from the year or two previous that have been missed in earlier discussions; in those instances year of publication is specified. Chapters in Part I of the volume focus on individual authors or critically affiliated groups of authors; those...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2013) 2011 (1): 463–474.
Published: 01 September 2013
...- pedia of Themes in Literature, ed. Jennifer McClinton-Temple (Facts on Gary Scharnhorst 465 File), merit a recommendation. The contributors press exactly 50 literary “themes” (e.g., violence, family, fate) like cookie cutters into 300 classics of world literature (e.g., “illness...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2005) 2003 (1): 571–580.
Published: 01 September 2005
... circumstances’’ and features a primary and secondary bibliography. Contributors in these two volumes include Jerome Klinkowitz on Stephen Dixon, Sanford Pinsker on Leslie Epstein and Leslie Fiedler, and Karen L. Kilcup on Lucy Lar- com. Other entries feature Kathy Acker, Paul Auster, Robert Olen Butler...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2007) 2005 (1): vii–viii.
Published: 01 September 2007
... that takes each essay from manuscript to indexed publication within a few months. Contributors research and write their chapters during the summer following the year under review, and the bound books are issued less than a year later—a tribute to the herculean labors of both the essayists...