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Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2020) 2018 (1): 31–47.
Published: 01 September 2020
... of the number and kind of passages marked by Melville in his copies of John Milton can fundamentally alter the ways scholars have interpreted the influence of Paradise Lost. Focusing on the frequency with which Melville marked the word free, Norberg argues that these markings suggest that the political senses...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2017) 2015 (1): 133–151.
Published: 01 September 2017
... is the key difference between the imaginative worlds the two create. Faulkner, Murphet argues, creates space for literature in the midst of new media ecology by focusing on literature’s power “to say a great deal about nothing at all, about what does not happen, what cannot be sensed, what has...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2022) 2020 (1): 327–347.
Published: 01 September 2022
... of the free-verse revolution. He argues that a metrical vestige turns poets from formal ideologies that permit an abstract generic coherence for poetry toward efforts to feel out the fate and function of poetry in modernity. Moreover, the metrical vestige insists upon the artifice of all poetic forms...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2010) 2008 (1): 29–41.
Published: 01 September 2010
...: Death and the American Civil War (Knopf ), which also appeared this year. Weldon argues that Hawthorne’s literary imagining of death and dying—Dimmesdale’s death, the drowned Zenobia, Judge Pyncheon’s dead body—“invites reassessment of nineteenth-century New Eng- land’s consolations...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2005) 2003 (1): 275–308.
Published: 01 September 2005
... demographics of our individual classrooms but also in the multiplicity of writers and writings that shape our understanding of U.S. literary culture. There may still be an argu- ment over canon, but both the pedagogical and cultural contexts of that argument prompt a mature reconsideration of a vastly...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2016) 2014 (1): 151–163.
Published: 01 September 2016
... a few cases of intertexuality between Faulkner’s screen and fiction writing, Hamblin argues, “Before Hollywood . . . Faulkner wrote fiction primarily in the ‘high modernist’ style as represented by Conrad, Joyce, and Eliot; after Hollywood, he principally wrote in what might be termed a ‘filmic...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2006) 2004 (1): 31–49.
Published: 01 September 2006
... acculturated easily, learning Spanish and accepting, largely in silence, the slave economy that sup- ported the luxury of her hosts. Though no evidence exists of a later correspondence and Sophia is silent on the subject, Valenti argues that the Cuba Journal suggests that Sophia in the summer of 1834...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2002) 2000 (1): 361–390.
Published: 01 September 2002
... of the letters, not only because of their author’s centrality to modern American literary history, but also because they articulate a genre Warren recognized as itself literary. They should be seen as reflecting Warren’s interest in the processes of making both self and text, Clark argues. The very extensive...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2021) 2019 (1): 3–24.
Published: 01 September 2021
... and Intersubjectivity (American Literary History : ) eo Davis puts a new and compelling spin on the old argument that Emersonian self-reliance is fundamentally patho- logical. Using Daniel Stern s attachment theory, Davis argues that as a child Emerson did not experience the safe and consistent nurturing necessary...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2009) 2007 (1): 257–279.
Published: 01 September 2009
...-combed counterparts (the murder of the slave Demby). Later chapters consider how Stowe recognized but could not over- come the limits to black discursive autonomy, how defenders of slavery “countersued” by arguing that the sectional dispute was a civil rather than a criminal matter...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2017) 2015 (1): 45–62.
Published: 01 September 2017
... America. Bernadini argues that the poems Campana produced on this trip evidence a Whitmanesque mythopoetic sensibility of America and “can be read as Campana’s creative response to Whitman’s idea of ‘America’ as the source of an extra-European newness, freedom, and regeneration.” Gary Schmigdall...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2021) 2019 (1): 53–66.
Published: 01 September 2021
... Whitman on the Closet (pp. ) Gary Schmidgall explores why Whitman was drawn to the hermit thrush, which gures prominently in When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom d, arguing that the pathos Whitman invested in that hermit thrush . . . is the pathos of a life lived in the Closet. Schmid- gall...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2015) 2013 (1): 193–213.
Published: 01 September 2015
...-Zvi frames his examination of Equiano’s critique of slavery and colonialism through indigenous studies, a lens not yet applied to Equiano’s narrative. Profoundly invested in human rights, Ben-Zvi argues, Equiano employs an indigenous perspective to reject hierarchical ordering in favor...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2021) 2019 (1): 149–174.
Published: 01 September 2021
... (Oxford), Justin Driver argues that both Gatsby and William O. Douglas, in his memoir Go East, Young Man, demonstrate the fallacy of class mobility. Similarly, in Splitting the Colonizer: Discarding Centrality as Freedom (Comparative Lit- erature [CompL] : ) Rafael Acosta Morales relates e Great...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2004) 2002 (1): 25–38.
Published: 01 September 2004
... not explore The Marble Faun—or any specific Haw- thorne work, for that matter—in order to establish its influence on William Dean Howells’s own Italian novel, A Foregone Conclusion. Rather, Gri≈n argues that Hawthorne’s presence in Howells’s novel is evident not only in many specific...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2015) 2013 (1): 125–143.
Published: 01 September 2015
...!” as sexual manifesto. The Wharton section of this chapter is contributed by Carol J. Singley and the Cather by Robert Thacker. i  Edith Wharton a. Books  Sarah Way Sherman’s detailed and carefully argued Sac- ramental Shopping: Louisa May Alcott, Edith Wharton, and the Spirit of Modern...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2007) 2005 (1): 233–262.
Published: 01 September 2007
... kinds of discourses. The best of these give sustained attention to nonliterary texts, though some continue in the practice (characteristic of early New Historicism) of building an argu- ment on a single historical detail. The traditional geopolitical boundaries of American literary studies...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2003) 2001 (1): 281–304.
Published: 01 September 2003
...- ticularly useful when we consider how literature or ‘‘media ’’ is tied to the moral instruction of children. Sympathy is also a foundation of Stephanie Foote’s excellent Regional Fictions. Foote argues that regional- ism should be seen as a narrative strategy employed by writers to present...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2022) 2020 (1): 47–73.
Published: 01 September 2022
... (Duke) Jane Bennett takes Whitman s poetry as the guiding thread as she highlights affinities between Whitman and a tradition of process philosophy for which metamorphosis, and not only its entities or congealments, is a topic of great interest. She argues that Whitman, as does the book s other...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2017) 2015 (1): 3–22.
Published: 01 September 2017
... . . . represented as lacking presence.” David M. Robinson’s “Emerson, the Indian Brahmo Samaj, and the American Reception of Gandhi” ( pp. 43–60) argues that Emerson’s openness to Hinduism helped establish a dialogue between American progressives and Indian reformers associ- ated with the Brahmo Samaj...