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Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2009) 2007 (1): 281–299.
Published: 01 September 2009
...Nicolas S. Witschi Duke University Press 2009 13  Late-19th-Century Literature Nicolas S. Witschi Poetry and prose by African American artists take center stage amid this year’s scholarship. A special issue devoted to the works of Paul Laurence Dunbar provides a welcome...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2012) 2010 (1): 249–272.
Published: 01 September 2012
... the humorists of the Old South played a prominent role in helping the nation develop its own unique literary voice. i  Period Studies Robert Nowatzki’s Representing African Americans in Transatlantic Abo- litionism and Blackface Minstrelsy (LSU) examines the overlap of the Jim Crow and Uncle Tom...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2017) 2015 (1): 219–234.
Published: 01 September 2017
... on Ambrose Bierce, and these studies also explore his manifold aesthetics. Investigations that analyze racial representations and racial issues continue strong, with late-19th-century scholars researching works by African American writers such as Ida Wells, Pauline Hopkins, George Boyer Vashon...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2008) 2006 (1): 273–309.
Published: 01 September 2008
... discusses Richard Wright’s debt to Theodore Dreiser in Cross-Cultural Visions in African American Modernism: From Spatial Narrative to Jazz Haiku (Ohio State). Although Wright did not consider himself a naturalist, the spectacle of women’s suffering in Jennie Gerhardt and Sister Carrie drew...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2002) 2000 (1): 435–449.
Published: 01 September 2002
... Scholes in The Rise and Fall of English (1998). In ‘‘The End(s) of African-American Studies’’ (AmLH 12: 637–55) Kenneth W. Warren engages a similar question but with a narrower focus: what is the relation between the formal study of African American culture and the politico-cultural entity...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2014) 2012 (1): 243–264.
Published: 01 September 2014
... of imperialism, the representation of African Americans and Native Americans, and the impact of popular culture on the so-called literary defines this engaging book. In addition to Paulin’s in-depth analysis, works by other scholars also have plenty to offer in the interpretation of Pauline Hopkins’s...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2021) 2019 (1): 223–238.
Published: 01 September 2021
... they predominately explore race and gender, searching the past for an understanding of the present. African American writers such as Pauline Hopkins, Frances E. W. Harper, Charles W. Chesnutt, and Paul Laurence Dunbar attract more critical attention than W. D. Howells, Frank Norris, and Stephen Crane; and Hopkins s...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2006) 2004 (1): 533–547.
Published: 01 September 2006
...David J. Nordloh Duke University Press 2006 22  General Reference Works David J. Nordloh African American literature, women writers, and American drama, areas of particular emphasis in reference publication in the recent past, retain their prominence this year, and the usual...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2010) 2008 (1): 213–231.
Published: 01 September 2010
... developed views about Africans’ essential difference from Europeans. This chapter’s focus on black Atlantic writing illustrates a key point in the develop- ment of racial categorization that would become dominant, the book argues, only in the 19th century. Instead of insisting on the importance...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2016) 2014 (1): ix–xvii.
Published: 01 September 2016
... the Subject: Failure and the American Writer / Writing Women Across the African Gavin Jones, Failure and the Diaspora (Ohio State) American Writer: A Literary Class and the Making of American History (Cambridge) Literature / Andrew Lawson, ed., Fashioning the Nineteenth Century...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2013) 2011 (1): 239–262.
Published: 01 September 2013
.... A fine collection of essays and a new edition of The Bravo stand as important contributions to Cooper scholarship. African American writers feature prominently in this year’s scholarly efforts. One study investigates Native American language and one “Indian performance,” whereas a few articles...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2008) 2006 (1): 539–552.
Published: 01 September 2008
... of 19th-century American literature are several other historical works. Because it is also part of the series Milestones in African American History, the two-volume Encyclo- pedia of the Reconstruction Era, ed. Richard Zuczek (Greenwood), is not quite so comprehensive in its coverage as the title...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2015) 2013 (1): 263–284.
Published: 01 September 2015
... Funerals in Zora Neale Hurston’s Their Eyes Were Watching God” ( pp. 3–17), which looks at how African American traditions play a part in the presentation of the three funerals depicted in the novel. Robert C. Evans’s “Mrs. Turpin and Mrs. Turner: Foolish Pride in Flannery O’Connor’s ‘Revelation...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2011) 2009 (1): 263–279.
Published: 01 September 2011
... strong rate, as do analyses of the fiction of Stephen Crane and W. D. Howells. A pair of innovative studies in African American history and culture promises to redefine the field significantly, while the liter- ary study of the Civil War also points in new directions, particularly in discussions...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2015) 2013 (1): 215–238.
Published: 01 September 2015
... in slavery and genocide, and his use of China in his tales. An important book places the travel writings of John Lloyd Stephens in the context of American nationalism and Manifest Destiny. Once again, African American writers appear prominently in this year’s scholarly efforts. One study investigates...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2008) 2006 (1): 251–272.
Published: 01 September 2008
.... The breadth and complexity of African American literature is also highly visible, both in its relation to the period’s more dominant ideologies, usually represented by W. D. Howells, and on its own terms. Of course, the impact of Howells as both an artist and a critic also continues to attract...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2001) 1999 (1): 361–388.
Published: 01 September 2001
... another that dis- cusses the artistic impact of the political Left on Brown, Langston Hughes, and other African American poets. A book about the intertex- tuality of H.D. and Sapphic Hellenism adds to a growing discussion. Another study of modernism’s ‘‘queer poetics’’ in five women...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2020) 2018 (1): 197–214.
Published: 01 September 2020
... with a social purpose is studied more than art for art s sake, the works that explore or expose cultural issues are diverse, and many recent studies are based on sound archival research. Again, nowhere is this trend more obvious than in the field of African American literature and in the examination of young...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2001) 1999 (1): 337–360.
Published: 01 September 2001
..., African American, and Jewish American identities have helped form a new American mainstream. The narratives of each author seek inclusion, but maintain a healthy sense of anger with exclusionary forces. The protagonists in their works succeed as survivors, but not in the terms of typical...
Journal Article
American Literary Scholarship (2004) 2002 (1): 425–441.
Published: 01 September 2004
... Pelaud’s ‘‘Metisse Blanche: Kim Lefevre and Transnational Space’’ (pp. 122–36), and Hertha D. Sweet Wong’s ‘‘Taking Place: African-Native American Subjectivity in A Yellow Raft in Blue Water ’’ (pp. 165–76). Each of these essays manages to subvert traditional binaries, complicating them by raising...