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the Volga famine

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Journal Article
Agricultural History (2023) 97 (2): 245–272.
Published: 01 May 2023
..., distribution networks, and roles of relief workers, among others, became points of discussion and an open confrontation ensued among different organizations. This article analyzes competing visions of US famine relief to Soviet Russia during the devastating Volga famine of 1921–23. Unofficially presided over...
Journal Article
Agricultural History (2006) 80 (2): 220–254.
Published: 01 April 2006
...), 2005. Larichev, A. A. "The Impact of Peasant Families in the Development and Growth of the Lands near the River Volga from the 18th Century to the Early 20th Century." Samara State University (Russia), 2004. Lebedev, G. U "Industrial and Agrarian Development of the Northern Caucasus During...
Journal Article
Agricultural History (2014) 88 (1): 22–44.
Published: 01 January 2014
... , 176 – 79 ; Orlando Figes , Peasant Russia, Civil War: The Volga Countryside in Revolution, 1917–1921 ( Oxford : Clarendon , 1989 ), 340 . 22. Mikhail Kozlov , “V gostiak u amerikantsev,” Trudovoi Don , Oct. 5 , 1923 , 3 ; “Pribytie immigrantov v SSSR,” l . 219 ; Mak...