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Journal Article
Agricultural History (2006) 80 (2): 167–189.
Published: 01 April 2006
... for more complex forms of farming," Vance could not foresee that soon furnishing merchants would refashion the crop lien to facilitate poultry production. For some time, politicians, Vance, and a host of rural reformers waged an unsuccessful war against the crop lien, and its close relatives sharecropping...
Journal Article
Agricultural History (2017) 91 (1): 39–54.
Published: 01 January 2017
...Eric L. Gruver Abstract Based on daily journals and personal interviews with surviving family members, this article examines the life of Ed Robinson, a renting farmer in the Blackland Prairie of Texas, who succeeded financially despite the inherent inequities of the crop-lien system...
Journal Article
Agricultural History (2017) 91 (1): 140–141.
Published: 01 January 2017
...Karen Senaga Becoming Salmon: Aquaculture and the Domestication of a Fish . By Marianne Elisabeth Lien . Berkeley : University of California Press , 2015 . 232 pp., $34.95 , paperback, ISBN 978-0-5202-8057-1 . © 2017 Agricultural History Society 2017 Agricultural History...
Journal Article
Agricultural History (2017) 91 (1): 138–140.
Published: 01 January 2017
... Recherche Agronomique Becoming Salmon: Aquaculture and the Domestication of a Fish. By Marianne Elisabeth Lien. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2015. 232 pp., $34.95, paperback, ISBN 978-0-5202-8057-1. Since the 1970s farm-raised salmon industries around the globe have exploded. Today consumers...
Journal Article
Agricultural History (2017) 91 (1): 141–143.
Published: 01 January 2017
... environments where fisherman catch Peruvian anchovies that comprise much of the fishmeal in farmed salmon feed. Funneling Peruvian anchovies to feed Norwegian salmon demonstrates the global energy flows needed to grow and sustain the industry. Lastly, Lien takes readers to waters nearer to the farms. At Norway...
Journal Article
Agricultural History (2007) 81 (4): 551–555.
Published: 01 October 2007
... of Farm Labor issue). in the Deep South" (see this VernonCarstensen MemorialAward The Vernon CarstensenAward winnerfor2006 isMONICA GISOLFI, for her article, "From Crop Lien to Contract Farming: The Roots of Agribusiness in theAmerican South, 1929-1939."Gisolfi receivedher PhD from Columbia University...
Journal Article
Agricultural History (2006) 80 (3): 336–357.
Published: 01 July 2006
... the meaning of property and the approaches necessary to secure it in the Jim Crow South. In the color-conscious South, white landlords maintained their racial hegemony, as well as their class dominance, through preferential legisla? tion, such as crop lien laws. When they seized household furnishings...
Journal Article
Agricultural History (2000) 74 (2): 322–339.
Published: 01 April 2000
... of the crop lien system, racism, and the capitalization of agriculture. This paper concentrates instead on rural re? formers who celebrated life in the country and believed that comfortable homes, better schools, and wholesome residents could free blacks from bondage. Their agrarian ideology reflected Euro...
Journal Article
Agricultural History (2015) 89 (1): 34–56.
Published: 01 January 2015
... was through the crop lien, locally known as refacción. The PRLTC extended credit to a grower to plant tobacco on a specified acreage, where the crop itself served as collateral for the loan. The company provided the credit in steps according to the state of the crop. For instance, Juan Ortiz and his children...
Journal Article
Agricultural History (2000) 74 (3): 706–707.
Published: 01 July 2000
... of the state. True, he highlights a Virginia Supreme Court decision, Parrish v Commonwealth (1884), together with crop lien laws, as structuring the economic contest. Rarely, however, does he mention the Readjusters?the biracial coalition, a majority of whose voters were black, that controlled the state...
Journal Article
Agricultural History (2000) 74 (3): 700–701.
Published: 01 July 2000
... together by class, ethnicity, experiences, and race, provide scholars with their history. And, while most agricultural and southern historians, for the most part, have concentrated on postbellum cot? ton production and crop lien systems, with little analysis toward the women and their personal lives...
Journal Article
Agricultural History (2008) 82 (4): 542–543.
Published: 01 October 2008
... lien system reduced much of the region's population to tenant farmers and sharecroppers by 1910. It was the transportation infrastructure leftbehind by thisgeneration of economic change thatSkelton inherited and enhanced. The precarious financial history of theG&F reflected the difficulty of creating...
Journal Article
Agricultural History (2011) 85 (1): 136–137.
Published: 01 January 2011
... and supplied full amenities to renters and tenants without burdening them with crop liens, and he eventually negotiated flexible plans for many to own the land they cultivated. While Pfeiffer Country is ostensibly about Paul Pfeiffer, Laymon does well to place his actions within historical context. By doing so...
Journal Article
Agricultural History (2011) 85 (2): 289–290.
Published: 01 April 2011
... Waters. The only farmers markets that count here are those dominated by industrial producers; in his view, organic farming simply cannot feed the world. We get little of the comparative, multicultural complexity offered up Marianne Elisabeth Lien and Brigitte Nerlich s, The Politics of Food (2004...
Journal Article
Agricultural History (2011) 85 (2): 288–289.
Published: 01 April 2011
...; in his view, organic farming simply cannot feed the world. We get little of the comparative, multicultural complexity offered up Marianne Elisabeth Lien and Brigitte Nerlich s, The Politics of Food (2004) or James L. Watson and Melissa L. Caldwell s, The Cultural Politics of Food and Eating (1998...
Journal Article
Agricultural History (2011) 85 (1): 135–136.
Published: 01 January 2011
..., Pfeiffer constructed houses and supplied full amenities to renters and tenants without burdening them with crop liens, and he eventually negotiated flexible plans for many to own the land they cultivated. While Pfeiffer Country is ostensibly about Paul Pfeiffer, Laymon does well to place his actions within...
Journal Article
Agricultural History (2000) 74 (3): 701–703.
Published: 01 July 2000
..., and race, provide scholars with their history. And, while most agricultural and southern historians, for the most part, have concentrated on postbellum cot? ton production and crop lien systems, with little analysis toward the women and their personal lives on southern cotton farms, Sharpless has changed...
Journal Article
Agricultural History (2020) 94 (2): 299–301.
Published: 01 April 2020
... Agricultural History Democrats redeemed Arkansas in 1874 against a backdrop of farmer-labor discontent. The state was experiencing the rise of commercial farming and, with it, the infamous crop-lien system, which trapped small farmers and tenants alike in a cycle of debt. The expansion of the state s...
Journal Article
Agricultural History (2001) 75 (1): 119–122.
Published: 01 January 2001
... and sharecropping had become prominent in the Bootheel, and with it came the stigma of de? pression, furnishing merchants, and crop liens. Then, under Roosevelt's New Deal sharecroppers were promised one-quarter of a landowner's AAA government payment. But, few, if any, sharecroppers reaped the benefits...
Journal Article
Agricultural History (2011) 85 (2): 225–251.
Published: 01 April 2011
.... Schmitz , “Postbellum Developments in the Louisiana Cane Sugar Industry,” Business and Economic History , 2nd ser. , 5 ( 1976 ): 88 – 101 . 28. Ransom and Sutch carefully detail the development of sharecropping and its associated crop lien system in One Kind of Freedom , Chpts. 4–8; see...